Views: 928 Troll Games
I have started a trend of occasionally going into a PVP game and either instalock a random, or I pick a champion I have never played with, and just buying whatever a want at that moment in time, whether it be AD items, AS items, Tanky items, etc. I have found this to be quite amusing to me, because their have been times when I totally destroy the lane, and others where I get smashed. Anyone have opinions on this? How about any other ways you have fun? Opinions on being on the opposing team of someone like me?
If you know you're going to lose, you can just tell everyone that you're only going to dodge the enemy turrets while running to their spawning pool.
I like your ideas, about buying random stuff. I think I'm going to try that.(I'll probably just get reported...) I hope my ideas were new (probably not) and I hope you liked them!
In general people like you (nothing personal, you probably are a nice guy and behave good in most of your games) are the ones I hate the most in the LoL-community. People who insta-lock, people who pick random and troll with it, people who pick a second top/jungle/ad/ap/support after the role was already filled just because they in this particular match feel like playing this role/champ. If such behavior vanished from Blind Pick/Draft/Ranked LoL would be the greatest game running right now with the sickest community ever.