Hello. Here is my tier list, broken down by roles. Certain champions in a favorable lane matchup are better than they are depicted on this list. For example, J4 top would be heavily favorited against a higher tier character if he has a better matchup than they do.

When I write my tier lists, champions in a tier are considered of relatively equal power, unlike elementz's. So, a champion who is #1 in tier 3 is not necessarily stronger than the last champion in tier 3. That's just how I choose to do things. If your champion is not mentioned, it probably means they suck so hard I forgot to include them. If I DO forget a champion, please mention it and I will add them. If I don't mention a champion for a role, IE jayce in jungle tier list, it probably means I don't consider them 'competent' enough for that role, or maybe I just forgot them.

This tier list includes the BOTRK nerf
(^) - next to name = gone up a tier
(v) - next to name = gone down a tier
(^^) - up multiple tiers
(vv) - gone down multiple tiers

hai guize!

Includes patch 3.04

Tier 1: Hecarim, Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Volibear(^)
Tier 2: Nocturne, Lee Sin, Rammus, Olaf, Jax, Warwick, Skarner, Elise, Maokai, Amumu(v), Vi(v)
Tier 3: Zed, Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Kayle, Udyr, Cho'gath, Nautilus, Pantheon(^), Trundle(^), Taric(*)
Tier 4: Sejuani, Rengar, Master Yi, Kha'zix, Shyvanna, Shen, Malphite

Tier 1: Rumble, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Shen, Elise
Tier 2: Olaf, Jax, Kayle, Riven, Yorick, Xin Zhao, Jayce, Renekton, Tryndamere(AP), Akali, Nasus, Teemo, Singed(v), Vladimir, Zed(^), Irelia(v)
Tier 3: Garen, Katarina, Kennen, Pantheon, Malphite, Darius, Kha'zix, Wukong, Fizz, Jarvan IV(v), Rengar(^)
Tier 4: Cho'Gath, Volibear, Vi, Tryndamere(AD)(*)
Fiora Tier: Fiora, Poppy, Gangplank

Tier 1: Anivia, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Kayle, Lux, Akali, Kassadin, Xerath, Zed(^)
Tier 2: Ahri, Cassiopeia, Karthus, Gragas, Katarina, Orianna, Kha'xiz, Rumble, Nidalee, Diana(^), Jayce(*)
Tier 3: Annie, Kennen, Pantheon, Swain, Veigar, Zyra, Evelynn, Syndra, Morgana, Master Yi, Elise, Cho'Gath, Fizz
Tier 4: Brand, Galio, LeBlanc, Talon, Vladimir, Ziggs, Zilean, Mordekaiser, Sion

Don't bother: Fiddlesticks, Heimerdinger, Karma, Malzahar, Teemo, Viktor

Tier 1: Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Draven, Tristana
Tier 2: Ezreal, Varus, Vayne
Tier 3: Twitch, Kog'Maw, Graves, Ashe(v), Corki(^)
Tier 4: Sivir, Kennen, Urgot

This matters a lot on what support you have

Tier 1: Taric, Blitzcrank, Thresh
Tier 2: Leona, Sona, Lulu, Nunu, Zyra, Alistar, Janna(^)
Tier 3: Fiddlesticks, Nami, Lux(^^)
Tier 4: Nidalee, Soraka, Volibear

Don't bother: Karma, Kayle, Zilean

Singed nerfs!

Questions or comments below, discussion encouraged.