Hello! ( ゚д゚)
My name is Charlie or Deathraymustache and I've been playing league for god knows how long. I finally reached level 29, which brings me one step close to the eternal goal: Ranked. Ranked may not seem like the best fruit on the tree (I get it, I used to play starcraft) but in league it seems like an oasis in a dry, dry desert.
Like many people, I played normals early on: Once I had finished tutorials and got a sense of the game through bots. My arms were spread open to normals, to feel the warmth of the loving league community over l;wool but then I realized that normals is disgusting and filled with people who have never played this game. Insta-lockers, trolls, the scum of the internet cause the games to go on for 2 hours. Normals are madness.