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Akali Build Guide by F3ar0ner

Assassin Akali - The Shadow Assassin

Assassin Akali - The Shadow Assassin

Updated on September 21, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author F3ar0ner Build Guide By F3ar0ner 305 16 1,705,135 Views 156 Comments
305 16 1,705,135 Views 156 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author F3ar0ner Akali Build Guide By F3ar0ner Updated on September 21, 2013
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Audiophile17 | September 15, 2013 11:29am
Great guide. Used it for my first time Akali play and have been ever since. My most recent game but only my second best I believe my best was 35/10/14.

Seisen Zero | September 14, 2013 11:48am
You still have Twin Disciplines as the old style, saying use runes to activate
Trid | June 23, 2013 3:37pm
Instead of Lich Bane, How about a Void Staff or a Abyssal? Also, I personally think Lee Sin is harder than a 6 because you can only farm with your q and under turret or you will get harassed. He can easily safeguard a minion and the E to hit you and than hit you with a q. This matchup before 6 is absolute hell and most of the time I end up having to have a jungler gank so I can catch up in CS.
F3ar0ner (22) | June 18, 2013 10:37am
Thanks guys, for all these comments. I'm glad this guide helped you!

Unfortunately, I can't keep up with the Hall of Fame requests, so I won't be updating that section any longer. Thanks for sending me your scores, and I'm very sorry I can't add them.
Elchali | June 1, 2013 8:05am
Sweet guide! It helped me alot getting started with Akali.
If you want, you could put me in the Hall of Fame?

These were the last 4 games I played last night. Especially the last two went great, where they pretty much surrendered after 25 minutes :)

Thanks again!
Pengbluzie | May 27, 2013 8:24pm
Awesome guide! It helped me a lot for becoming a good Akali! :)
May you put me in your Hall of Fame? Thanks!
Could you choose these victories?
- 18/3/11
- 22/4/3
- 20/8/7
Thanks again!
Links: and
Fearless66 | May 26, 2013 7:04am
Nice Summoner
Suarezzftw | May 21, 2013 2:23pm
I love this guide, minus the actual item build. If anything, I would get:

3 health pots
hextech gun blade
lich bane
ravenous hydra
Rylais crystal sceptre

then either a G.A. or build according to whats needed, so if they have more armor build AP if they have more MR build AD.
Babypower | May 16, 2013 5:58am
I did this build with akali against nidalee top I RAPED HIR HARD en game 21-0 + Penta kill ! and this in a ranked game haha
Creator of Chaos (1) | May 15, 2013 9:37am
Nice guide :) But you mentioned that Akali still is unrevealed when exiting the shroud. As far as I am concerned, this was changed within the last patch.
CrispyHank | May 12, 2013 2:14am
Appreciate the guide. I've been using Akali for a while and I've tried a few builds here and there and by far this is the best one I've used yet. 26/2/16 using this build, thanks again!
LADYKAZUKI | May 3, 2013 7:34am

hey guys this is my game play on akali.. i always get lich bane 1st. then boots then zhonya.. :D
these 3 are my core items on akali XD

i always get lich bane 1st cuz each time ill cast a skill it takes me about 1 secs to cast another.
Q--> R--> hit -> W --> hit ---> R --> E --> hit :D
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