I think I've written in a blog once before about how I'm not happy with my weight. I'm not fat. I'm no where near fat,but I'm not skinny either. I use to be a size 2,and I have jumped up to a size 4. These past few months I've tried everything. Work out DVD's, cutting back on certain foods, and cutting back on soda. I've only lost about 2 pounds.

Well, I decided to go back to walking again. I love to walk.My neighborhood is in the shape of a circle and two "laps" is a mile. Back in high school, I use to walk four miles a day, maintained a weight of 95 pounds. My height is 4ft 8in, so nobody freak out lol. Anyways, with walking I can clear my mind,listen to music, and have time to myself without people bothering me. I started doing this on Saturday along with cutting back on calorie/carb intake, basically eating better. Just since Saturday, I've lost 1.5 pounds.

I'm not doing this for anyone,except me. I don't feel "sexy" anymore. When I weighed 95 pounds my body was perfect. I had a nice tummy, but some curves. I want to fit back into my favorite pair of jeans. Every time I go to take a shower, I just bawl my eyes out because I look so hideous. I know I'm doing the right think now, by taking the steps to make myself feel better.

I just wish I could take the fat from my mid section and put it on my butt. My butt is flat D: Anyone like to donate a nice round butt to me? :D

Back to what I was saying, I don't want a body like Nidalee but I'd love to just slim back down. I go to see my boyfriend in July. I want him to be like "O.O;; Dang,that's my girlfriend?" XDDD

Is there anyone else struggling with weight? :S