I was totally supposed to work today...but then this girl I work with was like "I WANT MORE HOURS!" Here boo, have my four! lol. So, my day will consist of a shower, LoL and some LoL enhancing activites ;) My lord this day will be grand!

Started playing with a man that I'll call Hawk last night. Thank god we started playing when we did because I swear that man has showed me more in three hours then I've learned the 2 or 3 months I've been playing. I feel like a little less of a noob now :) I just need to get used to using teleport with my enchanted arrow on Ashe. It seems like such an easy thing to do, but it seriously isn't. lol. Well I mean it isn't EXTREMELY difficult. It's just something I need to get used to. I still try to flash out of fights I can't handle and then realize DUH SAMANTHA! PORT ISN'T FLASH! ahaha. Also traded in heals for barrier. Another thing I need to adjust to and fast. Thankfully, Hawk is super patient with me and hasn't been like "*****, you suck the D". Ahhhh. Legend friends<3

The new free champs need to come out so I can play someone neeeewwwww. Sigh.

Well if anyone wants to play, leave your username or just add me. My username is the same as it is on here. Peace lovesssss<3