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Vi Build Guide by zumafour2zero

AD Offtank [Mid Update] Comprehensive Guide to Fisting and the Human Re

AD Offtank [Mid Update] Comprehensive Guide to Fisting and the Human Re

Updated on November 28, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zumafour2zero Build Guide By zumafour2zero 422 52 3,527,562 Views 158 Comments
422 52 3,527,562 Views 158 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zumafour2zero Vi Build Guide By zumafour2zero Updated on November 28, 2013
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TRICKY 9LIVES | October 7, 2014 2:29pm
I would like to point something out, in jungle bruiser you have Frenzy as a mastery, but it says nothing about the use of crit items, thus making that mastery useless. what crit items would you suggest
DerekKingdo | March 9, 2014 8:42pm
Nice guide

Went 13/1/ with your Jungle offtank build :D
FantasySniper (15) | February 21, 2014 6:28pm
Mistakes I've noticed:

Separate text from titles or other important things (Touching the video, for ex)
If there is a tooltip that the BBcode won't show correctly, don't bother giving it code. ( Frenzy , Safeguard) And generally, fix some of your coding, you have incorrect icons (Items section) and a slew of false links appear. (Renekton, Triforce)
Fix your color coding, it seems like you're just making rainbows for fun. (Red = Bad? It is very hard to tell)

I know that the guide is still under construction, but these small mistakes could be easily rectified.

Try to give a specific Jungling section, including the builds without elaborating on the content of playing her as a jungler is really frustrating.
Tomlad (1) | February 2, 2014 7:23pm
Great build man. Honestly I was scared playing rank because I didn't want to lose but I went in with this build and got a pen-ta kill, carried the team, and won the game 30/2/14. The items and the runes work for vi perfectly and I have nobody else to thank but you. Thanks a lot.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I used her Bruiser jungle build
Yometsu | January 27, 2014 2:09pm
I love your build, got VI and have followed your guide last game was 25/7 with Vi jungling. AD Caster, they melted away like butter.
UristMcGuffin | January 9, 2014 1:37pm
Here's quick lesson on grammar.

your = ownership
Example: YOUR guide is pretty good.

you're = you are
Example: YOU'RE bad at English.

This guide is very good, but little mistakes like these make it difficult for some to take you seriously. For your own sake, please go through and fix these.
vynmeister (4) | December 21, 2013 3:48pm

Change title to 'uncomprehensive bunch of items' please, cause that's what this guide is.
alpagamer323 | December 11, 2013 1:25pm
this seems like a nice guide
BONKavi | December 10, 2013 8:53am
I just want to say Thanks! I have used this Guide to become the great Vi I am today in Top lane and Roaming. Vi has been one of my favorite Champions and has become one of my Mains in League. I hope to bring this Skill into Ranked, because sadly I am not level 30 let, but with this Guide, I have been able to Level up rather fast recently. I just wanted to show my love for this guide and hope to provide some Screenshots of some of my Golden games as Vi. Love the Guide and LOVE Vi with a burning passion~ <3
ad01mc | November 17, 2013 12:55pm
I have a Vi picture I want to send in from one of my games using your build!
FudgeAPudge | November 8, 2013 7:32am
Um, I didn't read all the posts, or all the details in the guide, but what should I do with Hunter's Machete if I'm jungling Vi? I've heard that Vi should grab some tanky items kinda early, but your guide seems to prioritize brutalizer over that. Not much in the guide that I could find in terms of upgrading Hunter's Machete.

Sorry if this is a dumb question.
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