I'm talking about actual changes and ignoring 'bug fixes' unless it will fundamentally change gameplay.

Small buff, pretty negligible. Tibbers has been working out.

Long awaited passive rework. Will ashe be more viable? slightly. Her fundamental problems still remain, but now she has a passable passive.

Finally, taking the burst out of his ultimate. I believe I called this one in my previous blog post. I'm all for this. Hecarim is weaker now by quite a bit IMO.

big buff. lowered mana/bigger aoe on her main spell and burst heal on her W. Not bad, not bad. I think karma is underrated right now, so any buff just makes well-balanced -> close to broke

Now slows targets hit by 20% for 2 seconds
Mana cost reduced to 55/60/65/70/75 from 60/70/80/90/100
Bonus Attack Damage ratio increased to 1.0 from 0.9
Evolution no longer consumes passive to apply effects--instead triples shot
Can no longer be cast during Leap

This looks like a buff to me, at least on paper. along with the buffs to his other abilities, seems like they're just buffing him. I'll have to see how this plays out to see if he's done, but it doesn't seem like it.

Holy ****. What were they thinking? Lissandra was so good before, now she's going to be borderline broken. I'll be maining lissandra once 3.8 goes live. Sadly, she's losing some damage on her ult, but the 2.5 invuln is gross. Ring of frost was so bad at level 1, now it's passable.

Pretty negligible, just moving the numbers around slightly

Numbers tweaked down slightly. I still think she'll be strong.

Base stats up, power chord damage down early, higher late, but the real ****heap is the hard nerf to Perseverance. Down to 20 from 35 resists, etc. It just got decimated. Use it for the heal, not necessarily for the resists.

Targeted wall-jump abilities now check both sides of the wall for the closest location of the cursor, so players don't fail-jump into a wall, when the other side was clearly in range.
(Thank ****. Tristana players say what-what? Nothing is more disheartening than missing a jump that clearly should have worked. This was way overdue)

We've improved consistency for abilities that behaved inconsistently when the targeted enemy uses Flash. We’re cleaning up these interactions so that either the ability won’t cast or Flash won’t be used up (it will be one or the other, never both).
(BOUT TIME. Anyone else sick of flashing and still getting singed flung/volibear raped, wasting your flash? No more. Another LONG OVERDUE change.)

Change to slow zones
(this will basically make the hit detection of slowing fields more consistent. Good change.)

Boots of Speed
Cost reduced to 325 from 350
Items that build out of Boots of Speed have had their recipe costs increased by 25
(I love this change, they nerfed the MS, they should reduce the price. I don't think boots will be more viable as a starting item, unless you wait in base and pick up boots, 2 pots, and a ward.)

Doran's Ring
Cost reduced to 400 from 475
Health reduced to 60 from 80
Mana restore on kill reduced to 4 from 5
(I was nervous for this change. If they had reduced the AP, the item would be ****. However, I think this item still won't be rushable in high level situations because sustain and wards are so important at level 1. I wouldn't buy this on many people, maybe morgana, or people with super high sustain early, which isn't many people.)

Doran's Shield
Cost reduced to 440 from 475
Armor reduced to 0 from 5
Health Regen increased to 10 from 8
UNIQUE Passive now blocks 8 damage from champion basic attacks from 6
(Pass. **** item, nobody will buy this.)

Jungle item changes:
I don't like it. It's clearly a nerf if they make it magic instead of true damage, and I kind of liked the randomness of the 25% maim. It rewarded junglers with attack speed over anything, and I loved getting lucky. Wriggles buff is very underwhelming and i doubt it will be built. the 100 maim damage is substantial, and I could see it built on champions with hyper attack speed like trundle, but not many other people.)

wraith, golem, lizard
(Glad they're nerfing lizard, sad they're nerfing wraith, and confused why they're not nerfing golem. Golem was clearly the most broken one. Am glad that they are removing 10 AD from lizard, I suppose. Anything to put a **** in jayce/ezreal/kha'zix's butt.)

Bye bye, not sad to see you go

Nashor's tooth:
Yes. I will be playing some kayle soon. It still doesn't make it very good for anyone else (don't build it on teemo), but for kayle it just got much better.

Wit's end:
I'm confused. Who is this good on? Very few on hit champs will make use of the MR shred, MAYBE teemo, I just don't get it. Kayle building wits end? not on your life. I see this not as a nerf, but as nothing, really. I still won't build this item.

Jungle changes:
I'm glad they're making it so bot can't do golems and lane swapping will be a lot less prevalent. I'm sad that all the xp is being moved to the buffs because if you get a buff stolen from you early, consider your game over. in high level play ward your jungle at level 1 or lose the game. This is a HUGE indirect buff to nunu and other fast clear junglers, though. I'm sure lasty will have more to say about this.

Twisted Treeline-
Enabled several items
Hunter's Machete
Spirit Stone
Spirit of the Ancient Golem
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
(pretty unnecessary. The jungle was easy enough to clear already.)

Crystal Scar (who cares)

Howling Abyss

Enabled several items
Hunter's Machete
Spirit Stone
Spirit of the Ancient Golem

Added notifications to inform players when they are close to hitting LP decay for inactivity in ranked queues.
(yes, thank you)

Behavior Alerts
The PVP.net client will display new warning alerts for players with spikes of negative activity, in order to help course-correct them as soon as possible with quick and direct feedback.
Players with recently detected unsportsmanlike behavior will see a warning after the End of Game screen. (YES, THANK YOU)
Alerts will not follow every player report; alerts are targeted toward players that exhibit uncharacteristic spikes of highly negative behavior.

The Loading Screen no longer appears off-center in your monitor after Champ Select, when in Borderless or Windowed mode.
Included a possible fix for an issue that would cause LoL to open in the bottom right of the screen on computers under heavy load
(Best change to anyone that knows my pain if they play on borderless)

Great patch. I like the changes to general, league, and basic mechanics and interactions more than the numbers tweaks. I think this patch has fixed a LOT of problems that have gone on far too long.