Hey guys!

Nera here with my first blog post. This will be about just getting to lvl 30's. From my own personal experience it hasn't been too too bad except for those games where even though you are playing with friends and in a skype call and you ward and everything yet you still get demolished. This happened to us yesterday where there was litteraly nothing we could do. The skill cap between the two teams were just so different. if i remember correctly within the first 10-15 minutes we had already died what feels like 15-20 times. I have to admit we aren't all experts my friends and i but we still have some know how like counter building and such yet still lost in such a way.

This game is fun but when it comes to those games where you know you can't win because the other team has so much more experience than you i personally don't know what i personally can do to try to turn it around. My friends aren't quitters which means that even though the 20 minute mark was passed they still wanted to try to win it even though we were like... 5-30ish in between the 2 teams. I can admit that games can turn around fast(as i know since i play alot of TT,you manage to land an ace late game even though you are losing and within that 60 sec death you can pushh all towers and nexus.) but honestly when you are at that much of a disavantage and can't even try to go farm just because soon as you enter lane your dead within seconds.

Wouldn't there be a way for riot to keep people who have played 300 games or so to continue playing together like when you are in your 20? because honestly you hit 30 and you play with people who have played like 1000 games and have boatload more game experience than you do. I find this kind of system could really help out when you just reach thirties and then after so many wins in a row integrate you with the rest of the 30's population or even have some kind of elo system for normals or something similar.(I think there is actually one but from my experience doesn't work too well since you still get matched with those impossible odds.) Or even when you reach thirty to slowly make you play harder and harder opponents so that way you can still constantly improve without having those games where it seems even god is against you.

Sorry for the long 30's Rant and i know it's all just about continue to practice but after such big defeats it gets your motivation completely down. Thanks for reading this block of text!