Hey guys and welcome to another installment of Nera's Corner!

Today i am going to talk to you guys about Proxy Singed!
Proxy Singed was made most popular by Druiddroid, i highly recommend you guy go see his livestream or just look him up on youtube, he is awesome!

Proxy meaning to farm in between enemmy turrets. This is pretty suicidal for a singed and that is the whole point of this strategy. The enemmy top laner won't be getting any of his minions meaning your minions will slowly get his turrets unless he decides to tank some of the minion aggro or to farm under turret, if going to farm under turret that means he will be missing alot of cs and you will be getting full cs behind enemy lines.

The more deaths you have the less gold you are worth which means you should be getting a minimum amount of kills in this strategy yet still be pretty much full build because you have close or more than 200 cs in the 20 minute mark.

The only disavantage to you in this stategy is that the enemy jungler will be camping you, But the BIG advantage to this is that the enemy jungler will not be able to gank mid and bot much because he will be too busy trying to get to you and stop you. If the enemy top laner decides to come and stop you just like the jungler he will be missing out on cs but also on exp cause they are close to your minions. Sometimes even the enemy mid laner will come and try to stop you. Which means there is a high potential for your teammates to get objectives, this includes towers and dragon. which means more global gold to everyone but also much closer to the nexus than your opponents.

Most of your death if possible you want them to come from executions from turrets. Just a plain recall can also save you from giving the enemy team any gold. Especially when you start at lvl 1 and you are worth alot more than towards the end when you are worth less than a minion.

This is a really good strategy if your teammates are able to capatilise on the huge advantage you are giving them. If they can't capatilise on it then you will just branded as a feeder... which may lead to you account having timebans if it happens too often.

What do you guys think of Proxy/Suicidal Singed? Is it worth it in the end if you are able to bring victory to your teammates in an unorthadox way? Or should they nerf this way of playing singed?

That's it for this edition of Nera's Corner! If you guys have any questions or comments don't be afraid to leave them!
