Hey what's up guys and welcome to the 4th installment of Nera's Corner!
I hope you are all doing well on this wonderful day!
Let's get started.

So today i will talking about what we like to call... "Elo Hell"

Elo Hell is termed this way for when someone is stuck in the lower tiers of the League of Legends Elo and they can't seem to get out of the rut. Then most of the time we would usually blame
A) Leavers/AFKer's
B)Other players.

Most of the time though it is underestimated how much this "Negative Attitude" can affect TeamPlays. This is a Teamgame. The other Team are in the same boat as you are,Dumped into a team of random people that might be flaming at each other also. It is your responsibility with your leadership skills to
A) calm the flaming person on your team so that the negative attittude doesn't affect the other players on your team.
B) If one of your teammates is having trouble in their lane there are multiple things you can do to help him out instead of flame.
1) Gank that lane more
2) Do a lane swap, Lane swap can help win games, maybe that person isn't at the enemies skill level and needs help and maybe you are? so a lane swap would make it possibly more even.
C)I will put big emphasis on this one... WARDS!! Wards will win you games no matter what because they let you see who the heck is ganking your lane a few seconds before they even get to your lane. That extra few seconds can easily turn the tide of a fight with
1) A counter gank,
2) Being able to run away to safety.
Wards also can tell you if the enemy jungler has been in your jungle stealing a buff, let's you know if their team is attempting dragon or baron. towards late game it will also give you vision inside their base. You can put one from the outside of their base over the wall so that way you can siege a turret yet still be able to land your skillshots onto the enemy team. Warding isn't only the supports job though, don't go flaming after the support because they aren't warding your top lane. Especially in the early game, in the early game it is the supports job to mother and nurture the adc to become an unstoppable force in the late game. If they lose their time going all the way top to put a ward down and then head back bot how many times can the adc die in that time? The support is also there to do poke damage/heal/buff/etc. which all lend a helpful hand to the adc as they try to become strong.

To conclude, a combination of teamwork and wards will help you win games and climb that nasty elo ladder and get to the top!

Thank your for reading this installment of Nera's Corner, hope you enjoyed it and if you have any questions, comments you know where to leave it!
