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LevasK starring in "The Quest To Becoming...

Creator: LevasK June 9, 2013 10:22am

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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2013 10:22am | Report
Short info: Started playing LoL a few months back at first it was something I used League to rest from Smite (the moba that was my main game at the time),but little by little league has won me over :D.So here I am making this thread.

My roles listed by skill from top being the best to bottom being the worst and champions from left being the best and to right being the worst in the given role:

ADC: Draven,Varus,Vayne,Tristana,Caitlyn
Jungle: Xin Zhao,Shaco,Nunu
Mid Lane: Twisted Fate,Katarina,Kassadin,Kayle
Top Lane: Xin Zhao,Vayne,Garen
Support: Soraka,Nunu,Alistar,Twisted Fate

This game went along these lines: Cho dc'ed while J4 and Swain *****ed whined and raged the whole game. I died once in lane then they 4 man dived us which was annoying, Cho came back 10-14minutes into the game but he caught up pretty well all things considered. Few teamfights and couple epic Qs later we managed to crush them. (Also I was pretty happy with how much my Csing skills have improved).

Forgot to take a screenshot afterwards ,but basically what happened was bot went even while top and mid fed like mad idk what our kha zix was doing but he sure as hell didn't help bot even tho I ask after 17minutes after 2 J4 tower dives we lost our tower. Later on I managed to solo 3 dragons and make some plays in teamfights but in the end it didn't matter Akali got caught and Fizz was so fed that he 2 was able to 2 shot me.

Well my quest isn't going too well.I asked for ADC and everyone agreed ,but last second Ashe locked in so I had to go top vs Singed all would have been good if Ahri didn't dc. Once she came back Kha gave her mid back but Lee was really bm and just tower dived her he was lvl 8 while she was lvl 1 -.-. After that I got tower dived 2 times by Singed and Xin since bot and mid were both loosing and Ashe was pretty terrible. Towards the end we were making a come back we got some tower kills and baron ,but then a teamfight started for some reason Ashe decided to ditch the team so we lost Baron buff and then we agreed to all push bot since it was at the Inner toward Kha Zix went mid I have no clue why... and that was it he died and it was 4v5 in our base.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Ahruu's Forum Avatar
May 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2013 10:37am | Report
Gl! Your farm and everything seems to be good :) Better then mine atleast
Don't +rep me im a bad person
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 10, 2013 7:04am | Report
Today my games went pretty well aside from a few ragers.
Pretty straight forward game won my lane got camp by Tryndamere ,but Jax managed to counter gank and snowballed really hard solo'd 3 dragons and pushed for the win.

This game we tried to invade at lvl 1 ,but it backfired really hard Trist got 2 kills and once 1on me and 1 on Xin so I was really behind then we got to lane at lvl 2 Leona decided to go in on Malphite and I got destroyed and later on tower dived ,so the game was looking grim for me was like 0-4 in lane ,but me and Xin managed to sneak 1 dragon I got some farm from jungle and other lanes and then teamfights started I nailed every condemn and pretty soon I became a monster. So kudos to Di and Xin for carrying me into late game also Shyvana and Leona were premades and were raging at me 24/7.

Pretty ugly game the bm started early I said GL HF in all chat like I always do and our Kat responded with "Stfu ******" and Kat Kha zix and Zac were really bm throughout the game and very cocky. I could have ended that game 10minutes earlier , but I didn't feel like putting any effort into wining >.>

I raged a little bit at the enemy Vi by saying "Can you find your own f**king lane please" ,because she camped bot really hard 4 out of my 6 deaths were all her doing also I derped really and bought cutlass for no reason :D.Lee didn't help bot at all ,but still got fed so it was alright I guess.

Terrible game it was a Yi Vlad and Soraka were playing there champs for the first time and didn't really know what they were doing eh.. Got divide by Kha zix and later by Kayle. I played like **** that game and decided I should take a brake for now.(Also Soraka and Xin were raging very hard).

P.s. The reason why I'm spamming Varus games is cuz I just recently bought him and well he was a solid pick in every match imo.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 11, 2013 6:22am | Report
Well today the rage in my games was "OVER 9000!!!" not on my end ,but in my teammates and opponents aswell :/.
It was the first game today so I don't remember all that clearly basically I had a rough laning phase because Kat was my support -.- on the good side Lee was a plat 1 smurf so yea he wrecked the enemy team ksed me lot but I didn't mind towards the end our team was throwing pretty hard (Lee got a bit too cocky).

The rage was insanely high in this game even it said a few strong words towards my team. Laning phase was a disaster we got camped so hard and it wasn't just amumu ,but also by Veigar and even Renekton who came all the way from top lane just to tower dive us :O I mean seriously wtf? And the whole team was just raging at me saying **** like "Fail ADC ect",so after getting tower dived 4 times our tower fell but me and thresh managed to sneak a few dragons and got a couple of towers and it looked like we were coming back , but in every teamfight Renekton dove past my team and was on me 24/7 usually together with Leona I told my team to focus on peeling them off me however all they did was scream " ****** ADC focusing Leona/Renekton" ect so we barely won those teamfights. Towards the end at the last 2 teamfights Thresh finally figured out that peeling for me is a good idea however later on Mord got caught and it was GG.
Galio did a good job support aside from one flash ult into an empty bush which we just called a warning shot :D. The enemy Rammus was really active with his ganks which tbh was annoying but he did a really good job ganking all lanes even if it was hit and miss. Also Talon was living in his own world never with the team ,but w.e.

MF said nothing in the lobby and locked in her champ at the last second even though everyone agreed that I should play ADC anyways I got stuck with support duty which I don't mind then I'm prepared for it. Jax got counter jungled by Shaco no surprise there and died at red buff me and MF cut Shaco off while Lux killed him and got double buffs (She also got FB from Diana) and from that point it went down hill. For some reason after Lux killed Shaco Mf decided to recall even though she was at full HP thus giving our lane the exp and gold advantage. Lux got really cocky and picked up Mejais which wasn't a terrible idea tbh but still not necessary. Jax tried to gank but failed neither team got kills ,but MF just started raging and so the rage fest began... After MF and Lux died a couple of times they all started raging randomly MF made some questionable backs then we could have pushed the tower or taken dragon which me and Jax duo killed 2-4 times however it wasn't enough.

This game had one of the biggest miss communications in the lobby to date Teemo was last pick and didn't talk much there were 2 roles open support and mid I asked every if I should take TF and go mid everyone said yes so I locked in and then the guy who ended up playing teemo announced that he owns no support...
Laning phase was ok I guess I wish I could have ganked more with Destiny ,but everyone was shoving there lanes pretty hard and even tho I called MIA each time Kat was not in sight for more then 5s bot paid no attention and the raging started (MF was raging Teemo wasn't ).

Since my team made no opportunities for me to gank using my ultimate I focused on map objectives Towers/Dragons and Inhibitors while during teamfights I tried then ever I could to Yellow card Kat ults which due to MF s terrible positioning where happening in the front lines a place where neither TF nor MF should ever be so I got blown up quite a few times. Last teamfight I managed to gold card Kat kill her and Draven and Zhonyas Nunu ult - pushed for the win.

Laning phase went pretty well got a few kills died once to Vi flash ult gank got a fast tower and 2 dragons and all seemed good. However Xin built glass cannon and get diving 3v1 as well as randomly split pushing with no wards even tho the match was back and forth we should have won if it wasn't for Xin throws ,but I met a possible Duo partner in that game so it wasn't a waste. But today I lost LP instead of gaining which means I will probably have to play some more ranked today.

So I managed to fit in 2 more games and I'm really glad I was able to make some progress today.

Laning phase went extremely well,because I was on the blue side me and Leona were able to take advantage of golems and all in'ed Draven at lvl 2 while we didn't kill him instantly for some odd reason he decided to stick around with around 100 even tho we forced him to use both barrier and flash so few seconds later I sniped him with Q and forced Alistar to back and took the tower at around 5-5:30ish into the game. All seemed to be going well until we tried to make some moves on the middle lane and the dragon our team just seemed to be living in there own little world having no awareness of what's going on around them.Also WW raged a lot even tho he was the most useless player on the team he kept wasting smite on wraiths/red buffs then dragon was up randomly split pushing ulting with no warning Alistar out off all people -.- so I was a little bm after the game.

Pretty straight forward game I had Blitz who managed to land hooks then we needed it basically was a stomp.Few odd things happened when there were 4 people bot and for some reason the rest of our team decided to just farm jungle creeps leaving me and Blitz to hold our 400 HP tower when finally the 5th member of the enemy team showed up I just said : Eehhh Blitz I think we need to give them this tower :/.
We could have ended this game 5-9 minutes earlier but for some reason everyone was too scared to face tank inner tower even when they were down 2 people so I ended up face tanking 2 inner towers as well as nexus towers :D.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2013 7:55am | Report
Road to Brick 3 :D
The game that put me in promos as not really interesting just a one sided stomp :/.

Rough early game got camped by Di and Shen and Ez started to trash talk ,but a few dragons and one sided teamfights after we pushed to win and at the end Ez was saying stuff like : Trash team I owned bot, Vayne no skill lost bot >.>.

Forgot to take a picture after the second game in promos but I will put in info from lolking once it's up -.-.
First game in Brick 3 well... panth was raging hardcore ,smite stealing blue buffs from his team instead when dragon was up trash talking ect...

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2013 7:54am | Report
I haven't updated this in awhile cuz I went on a little loosing streak got frustrated ,so I decided to take a break.

The second game in Brick 3 and continuation of my loosing streak.This is the game that I mentioned in the QQ thread where this was the 13th ranked game for our Yi long and frustrating story short. Yi fed non stop trundle tried to camp mid but he just fed Diana even more.He proceeded to rage non stop about how bad this Yi was while completely ignoring my requests for ganks and dragon even tho I personally kept dragon pinked ever since 10-13minutes into the game. Right when Yi fed 3 kills to Diana and trundle gave her 1 more I explained trundle what we needed to do I said : Come gank and help us take tower dragon so we might have a chance at wining ,however he just ignored me Diana got way too fat I was unable to take tower or dragon because all lanes except bot were loosing so Shivana was laning in bot.When teamfights started happening it was way too late Diana was able to 3 shot me without my team reacting so we lost. This trend off raging at a feeding team mate causes more harm then it does good example my trundle, raged instead of listening to me and actually trying to help win this game and if anyone is reading this stuff I hope that before you start raging (not implying that everyone who reads this rages) you will consider this : Is there something that I could be doing to improve our teams situation, can I help my feeding team mate, can I take objectives (Towers,Dragons,Barons) to help out my team.

The 3rd game in my loosing streak.Honestly I can't remember too much about this game ,but basically Janna died way too many times in lane then it was necessary (if that makes sense) Darius took a ton of my kill and built ADC.When it came to team fights we had a really hard time since everyone say for Cho was really squishy. We lost the game then my team got baited into taking a jungle route to baron Sej ulted fallowed by Sona ult and in a few seconds I was the only person left standing...

4th game a sour victory.
Sadly I hardly recall this game :/ all I remember was that Malphite was raging mainly at Blitz and he was raging back at him.I got lots of farm and well we won the game.

The last game before my break.
Last second my support switched to karma because vlad started talking about how bad a support with heals will be against MF.Idk if it's just the players that I meet or is it the champion itself ,because so far I've seen 1 Karma in all of my games that was useful, this one wasn't. Random shield when there was no reason for them then so poking or shield when we so desperately needed them and no jungle support even tho I asked at the beginning of the game to babysit bot.And well as you can expect flash Crescendo + Bullet Time vs us was super effective. I made 1 huge mistake I stayed with 300 HP under the tower even though I knew they were about to hit 6 I was betting on us having shield and surviving long enough for our jungler to finish taking red buff -.-. Took 3 Dragons taht game but we couldn't make a comback also Vlad/Jax rage was very strong.

Again silly me forgot to take a picture of the game that I played before this.

During laning phase Blitz hit a few beautiful hooks and we were doing really fine I froze the lane at my tower cuz I didn't want to go too aggressive and all seemed well until the enemy team decided to 5 man dive mid where Sej and Syndra was, I was near by doing red ,but I knew that if I went to help I would simply feed them a free kill before they dove I told Sej and Syndra to forget about mid tower and taht our team was in no position to help however they stayed and both died AND THE RAGE BEGAN >.>. We had a really nice teamfight in bot lane we killed 3 of them and lost noone Sej was at around 90% HP Syndra at 68%ish Cho and Blitz were kinda low,so I called for Dragon ,but Sej and Syndra decided to recall and then I asked why are they recalling they replied : cuz we can -.-. And these sort of childish attempts at hindering my game continued such as me asking to let me get 400 gold for IE or 600 gold for GA and them fallowing me around trying to steal my farm going as far as smiting minions even tho Dragon/Baron are both up just to prevent me from getting farm, blowing summoners and ult to take kills from me when the enemies were 99% guaranteed to die from my attacks. Also each time they decided to tower dive 4v5 3v5 or just fight then I told them I was going to farm some place away from them and even pinged where I was going they would constantly rage and blame me for there failures,but I got enough farm/dragons that it didn't matter.

P.S. I'm pretty sure Sej and Syndra were premades.

Pretty straight forward game there Elise got fed but everyone else was pretty far behind I had total control over dragon by 15minutes into the game even tho it took my team 4 minutes to notice that dragon was gone :D. Kennen raged a bit at Nasus but he kinda deserved it :/.Cass/Nid kept getting caught delaying our victory all the while Cass was complaining about me not focusing Elise even tho there were other people right in front of me in one fight Ryze was so close to me that when he used his Q his arm would touch my bow and Cass still complained about me not attacking Elise who was out of my range :D. Well the team almost threw 4 times by chasing kills but we finally group up together and after taking baron managed to close the game.

And with this game another loosing streak began.I asked Leona to play carefully but she still went ham in lane usually on Taric ,but we managed to avoid disaster however Graves got 3 kills after a gank by Eve went really wrong I managed to kill Taric that Eve and Leona were hammering on but died in the process. Nasus Garen and Eve made so really odd choices in there item builds Nasus kept getting blown up in teamfights and even tho I explained to my team 4 times why they need to defend me in team fights I was ignored. In the end when they were 4 man pushing our nexus I tried buying time buy Leona just gave up and stood in 1 place I'm pretty sure we could have prolonged this game ,but oo well it was a fun game.

Before the match began our Aatrox was bragging about how he has played Aatrox 4 times in ranked and won each time however he forgot to mention that that he has played 4 ranked games total and again I don't understand how matchmaking works because this guy was put with Silver 3s and up while still being in his placements... He fed Shaco quite a bit during this game and our lane was pretty annoying ,but we were making at great comeback won a few taemfights took towers dragons ,but then Aatrox dc 'ed and even then we still managed to kill 3 out of 5 people who got baron. And right after Aatrox reconnected like 7 minutes later the enemy team got smarter and started purely focusing me in teamfights and again I tried explaining my team that they MUST protect me if we are to win and again I was ignored. In the end Soraka decided to put a ward in there red got caught and for some reason instead of running my team decided to fight 3v5 (I was too far from them to get into the team fight right when it started) so they ACED us and killed our nexus.
I'm pretty sure I will play some more games today ,but for now I need a break cuz the 2 throws in the row kinda put me on tilt :(.

P.s.My emblem is not updating ;(.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2013 2:23pm | Report
Normally I have a rule about ranked: Always end the day at least 1LP higher then you started. Sadly today went from bad to the worst ranked day in my league career so far.

This game... Tested my sanity.So I was forced into supporting even tho after I didn't get ADC I offered to play TF mid and everyone agreed with my while the Cass player stayed quite and just locked Cass, I was like WTF? oo well I'll support.So everything started quite well even tho Varus wasn't abusing the fact that he has almost infinite mana with Soraka in lane and he was getting poked down by Graves,eventually he started using Qs more often for harass. Before minions spawned I asked Aatrox to gank bot lane I told him : Aatrox could you come bot after blue I will pink a bush for a free gank. And when Aatrox arrived and started blue I pinked the top bush (we were on purple side) and told him: Come through lane we will push creeps back so that you could get into the bush undetected. And so we tried to do but Aatrox instead of going into the bush just walked through lane :D good thing we had our summoners up so we managed to score a kill. From that point everything went to s**t :/. Our Cass got caught and died while trying to steal the enemy blue buff with noone else to back her up or any wards and started crying gg no teamplay lets surrender/I want to surrender so I started writing things like : Don't worry we are still in this, we can easily make a come back just don't quit ect you know trying to keep the morale going she was also raging at Shen and Aatrox ,because they were both being kinda useless.Shen took TP and never used it even after I put a ward in the middle of bot lane and told him : We will let them push to our tower so that you could use your TP and gank, which he just ignored.Team never wanted to do dragon even after we killed 3-4 people until I started soloing them ,because that was the only way anyone would react. Before the very end we killed 4 and lost 0 people we won that teamfight hard,we took the outer top tower and started on Baron however since our mid inhibitor was gone we had creeps going into our base so I said: I'm going to recall and stop them. I recalled ,but so did Aatrox for no reason who was our jungler and ofcourse Baron got Smite Stolen -.-. During the last teamfight I was really happy because they initiated on me when I was a little away from team so no AoE hit them the enemy team blew Mao root ult ahri Q W E purely on me so I was hoping that it would be enough to win however Cass for some reason flashed past there whole team and trying to kill Graves with no success and that was the end.( I could go into more details because what I wrote here is ,but a small and mild fraction of stupidity that was going on in that game).

P.s. I was guilty of 1 ks :/.

I got dropped to Brick 4 ;(.Can't say much about this game.Basically enemy team managed to invade blue and kill both Ori and Eve,they both fed and rage quit,so we just asked the enemy team to push mid.But this Ez was being a little c**t to use after we asked them to end we tried to just go back to base ,but he kept tossing Qs Es at Leona and talking stuff like : Shortest game, easy ect. So before the end I killed a few of them -.-.

First game in Brick 4
I could go for a long and painful story of this game, but I think the scores/builds/cs can tell all the story.Also we could have won this game easily.

If I keep having games like these this thread will soon turn into my soap opera thread :D

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 20, 2013 7:55am | Report
Beginning of my climb back to Brick 3Not much to say about this game. Ez got crushed by me in lane ,but managed to pick up some kills when my team was throwing :D I got lots of farm and kills and Tumbled to victory. (There Irella was really salty).

This match was really weird.The enemy Quinn was gold 5 so I was expecting her to be challenging sadly that was not the case (she seemed to only be good at raging and making fun out of everyone else being in silver -.- ).Also Leona was aggressively stealing/trying to steal my cs ,so it was really hard getting any farm. Luckily Pantheon/Syndra got really fed and carried my to victory :D.

As seen in my post game comment this game drove me close to the edge of becoming a raging kid :(. Sona and Renekton were premades so idk maybe she thought she didn't need to perform her duties as support ... because she didn't drop any wards early on we got ganked by Sej I barely escaped and was waiting for a heal from her when Sej went around the tower and 3 man dove me ,so I gave up FB and the rage began to pour out of Xin (who didn't lift a finger to help bot) and Sona who kept eating hook after hook in lane.The game went along these lines : Someone got caught/enemies took a tower/I died in a team fight-Xin and Sona would just go Report Varus,Fail ADC,Learn to play and both tried surrendering time and time again all the while I was trying to keep morale up by saying: Guys don't give up we are still in this, we will win in teamfights(which we did). Aswell as congratulating when ever someone got a kill or Sona landed Crescendo on at least 2 people. Sadly my team ignored completely the fact that I solo d every dragon that went down in that game (Renekton help wtih one and I believe Xin ran by and used smite to finish off once) ,that I nailed every ult I tossed catching 5 people with it in a row...
Before the end the enemy team was pushing our inhibitor and again I got all 5 people with my ult and my team managed to fallow up ,we took baron/dragon pushed up mid lane had 1 more team fight and managed to close the game.

The GGs were called in this game before minions even spawned :D by Cho.He believed that bot was already gone just because of the match up and I was more then happy to prove him wrong by going 2-0 and taking the first tower of the game.And it all went down hill from that every other lane lost and Cho was raging hard calling unskilled/noobs left and right all the while using Feast to ks and proceeding to call for dragon with no Smite only to get it smite stolen :D. Eh.. Vayne got fed people didn't peel Fizz of me even tho I explained to them that that's what they need to do.And that's about it Fat Vayne won them the game.
Also Cho was complaining that I lacked damage but in score screen it showed that I did almost 2x the damage that the 2nd place did on our team.

Well Le Blanc didn't feel like supporting even tho she didn't say anything in the lobby and was last pick ,so instead of talking just locked LB and said I don't want to support >.>.So for the first 7-10 minutes it was 2v1 bot until finally Jayce came to lane in bot I told him that so long as he can let me cs I will let him have all the kills ,I kept my end of the bargain sadly he didn't :D , but w.e I knew if I got Jayce fed enough we would win (Jayce OP),so I was kinda support Varus.
AND I'M BACK IN BLACK (Brick 3 :) )

This game was really fun and not because I won (obv it made it all better) ,but because this team LISTENED TO ME :D both in the lobby and the game we managed to put together a semi AoE comp and team fallowed 80% of calls that I made (all of which increased our advantage).I got Triple kill after the enemy team tried to tower dive in bot while I had my ult up... In teamfights people focused Diana 24/7 and I couldn't be happier because it allowed my to just pick them off from afar. (In post game chat Ez was calling everyone noobs ect).

Kennen from my last game invited me to play a few ranked games together and well it was a rough game.After Zac fail ganked bot he never came again even when I asked him to save my tower or gank after I pinked bot bush.Every lane lost ,but for some reason everyone was raging at Rumble luckily we both managed to stop 5 surrender votes and team started listening to calls that I made and each time we had a 5v5 fight we won them decisively (Team comps do matter even in **** leagues). So that was about it.

There were some communication problems in both team lobbies :D and my premade had to support on TF. I lane ganked bot at lvl 3 and got everyone pretty low enemy jungler came too late and with Karthus TP on minion we managed to pick up 3 for 0.I continued to gank lanes with great success as well as controlling Dragon the whole game.There were a few throws on our end but nothing a spear couldn't fix :).
Before the match I was worried ,because Talon was Gold 3 and had a skin :O ,but he actually got first blooded by Karthus idk what happened there :D and Vayne was gold 5. I bet a big part of our victory was thanks to Twitch Vayne raging at each other in all chat in ALL CAPS :/.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 20, 2013 9:21am | Report
Grats on the promotion, now go get "Brick II" :D

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 20, 2013 2:50pm | Report
Go get Brick 2 you say? I won't be content till I get challenger (no joke).And thank you :).

I would really appreciate any critique you could give regarding my builds,champion picks vs the opposing ADC/team or even my writing style (this goes for everyone reading).

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
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