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LevasK starring in "The Quest To Becoming...

Creator: LevasK June 9, 2013 10:22am

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LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 6, 2013 7:03am | Report
Seems like I'm going up again :).
Laning phase went okey I died once due to miss communication between me and Leona.Right when the match started we agreed to play super aggressive ,but Leona played a bit too passive while I was super aggressive needless to say I got killed.But after that Leona finally started playing as aggressive as me and we won our lane really hard sadly all other lanes lost and Noncturne was raging hard,but we made a huge come back in teamfights and Lee rage quit.

We won our lane pretty easily until Taric started afking he was answering phone calls or something again I roamed quite a lot and got our Lux really fed with some great ults on 2-4 ppl catching them in a line for easy Lux lazers,so she was able to carry this game.

Got carried by Leona so hard she ALWAYS went for the ADC which made my job all too easy,she never got caught and was willing to sacrifice her life when we got attacked by 5 ppl with no mias :D.Garen gave FB to top lane ,but then proceeded to dominate panth and he rage quit. Apparently there was miss communication on there team as last pick took Kat instead of a jungler and Fizz went to jungle at the beginning of the match everyone asked to report Kat ,but I told them to wait till the match was over. And I was right Kat did great and only Pantheon deserved to be reported.

So I'm back in Silver 3 it seems I'm becoming the master of promos from Silver 4 :D. (Not a title I'm proud of :D).

First game in Silver 3.HOLY THROWS BATMAN!!! As indicated by my comment the throws were unbelievable. It was 4v5 since Irella didn't connect and bot was Vayne/Janna vs Draven/Thresh obviously we had a huge edge. Also 3 of us Thresh/J4 and me invaded the enemy jungle at lvl 1 and took there red sadly I got it instead of J4,then we 3 man ganked bot at lvl 1 and Thresh got FB on Vayne with ignite which was an overkill ,but I didn't mind. We proceeded to dominate out lane 4/0 in our favor (sadly Thresh got all the kills -.-) and coming out of the lanning phase I had 50-70 CS over Vayne ,so bot pretty much was a one way slaughter.Me and J4 also took an early dragon and we were off to a great start.During our first 5v4 in mid lane WW flash ulted me ,but instead of my team using there skills to get him off me my team just ran needless to say with Vayne/WW chasing me I died (Thresh didn't even use Box which would have saved me) ,so I died Thresh died and my team decided to fight 3v4 under our tower and Vayne eneded up getting Quadra as well as our mid tower.After the fight I explained my team exactly what they need to do in teamfights-protect me and CC WW once he ults me. I should have known better then to trust my team I should have rushed QSS after that fight,but I didn't want to fall off with my damage cuz Vayne got quite a boost after that fight as well as time working against me in terms of my damage vs Vayne damage. Sadly my team didn't listen.So the teamfights went along these lines- I survived for a while we won every fight easily ,I died we lost and after every fight I kept repeating to my team what they need to do-Get WW off me.We had one great opportunity to get a huge edge over the enemy team when I saw Vayne/Janna in bot while I had a pink on Baron I instantly told my team to just rush to Baron cuz we were all in mid lane ,so I started Baron by face tanking cuz I was closest to the pit while J4 decided to take blue which he then dropped and ran to Baron I knew we had to burn it fast so I was spamming W and jugling 2 Axes ,however the rest of my team had little to no damage. We ended up loosing Baron ,but getting an ACE with me and Thresh up- for some reason J4 used smite when Baron was at 2k HP and Mord managed to steal it. Me and Thresh took the mid inhibitor tower and went b. (I also took every Dragon that spawned this game). In the end history repeated itself when Thresh got caught for no reason since we saw them coming and when we were defending our base WW just ulted me again with Vayne shooting me in the back I tired running to the spawn since I was ulted near nexus towers I was hoping I could make it cuz there was no way I could fight vs a full HP WW having 30% HP,sadly I didn't make it and that was that. Also Thresh made fun out of me cuz I ran instead of fighting WW. At the very least Vayne was really manner after the match and we had a good laugh about the throws in that game.

After this game idk if I should cry or laugh my *** off,one thing is certain this is by far the most embarrassing loss so far ;(. (I'm really sour about that game).

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2013 12:48am | Report
Looks like we are picking up the pace also it seems that we are starting to work better and better together in these matches even if we don't share a lane. (All the games bellow duo with TheBlueReaper ).

Well not too much to say about this other then Nunu is 100% broken jungler. I managed to shut Diana pretty hard, Vayne got the first blood,second blood went to mid lane. And from there things went bad I saw Lux getting chased by Amumu and Ashe so I decided to help (this was in bot lane) since Vayne was near by wiht 70% HP and almost full mana ,so I started fighting Lux died and Ashe had to blow flash to get away sadly I got a bit greedy and got bandaged in tower range LOL ,but when I looked over what Vayne was doing -she was farming creeps no more then 10 Teemos away from where the fight happened ,but instead of helping me save Lux and get kills (that was easy double) she farmed. Well after I did another round of jungle buffs my blue ,enemy red and my red I decided to solo dragon (I didn't give blue to Anivia and she started flaming). Dragon went smoothly and non was the wiser on the enemy team (idk if this is the right expression),but then TheBlueReaper dc'ed and instead of defending my team kept getting caught over and over again. In the end my 3 dragons and 1 baron were not enough to pull this game (Reaper came back as they were pushing our nexus) and Anivia blamed me for the loss because I didn't give her blue and Vayne blamed Reaper , but to be honest we could have help it until he came back if people just stopped getting caught.

The game of throws.This game was unreasonably long we could have ended it probably 20-28 minutes ago sadly that was not the case. Laning phase went really poorly after Alistar combo'ed Thresh onto me (I had no flash) I died. My second death came when I was trying to save Reaper and we got tower dived by 4 people (reaper had around 10% of his hp if that) ,but we could have turned it so easily had Alistar used his Q on TF who ulted in tower range and W on Jax who jumped from the blue buff bush, but oo well we died and lost the tower :D. After that me and Varus had a little skirmish sadly I lost it he had BT vs my BF :/ I was at 200 HP and little to no mana when the enemy team decided to go for dragon I told my team that I can't go AND noone listened and when I didn't go there (we also had 1 ward in dragon pit but nothing around it) my team started raging at me. Once team fights started we were able to turn things around quite nicely and after a few teamfights Jax just RQ. And the throws began on our end. Wu/GP got caught at least 6-8 times each ,so we were throwing really hard, Wu initiated one really bad fight when I was in our wratihs cuz I needed 100 gold for IE which I told my team and I also told them that I had to b cuz 0 mana and the flaming never stopped.The teamfights were a nightmare each time Zac would just jump on to me and zone me out of the fight and ofcourse no matter how many times I asked noone peel for me and if it wasn't for Reaper insta killing TF/Varus or sometimes both we would have lost this for sure.

Well this game went really well except for one time when Nami ditched me in bot lane :D. Other then that Nami/Jayce did work (I landed some great ults but nothing else special).However Fizz was just pure trash and so bm.The enemy Vayne was Gold 5 and he wouldn't shut up about it each time someone killed her ect. So I think everyone reported him ,because he was being a little c**t.

Eh we had a wining team comp. Bot lane won too.But when we got to teamfights things went really poorly. Kennen was wasting his ult for no reason or not grouping at all and just raging non stop. Hecarim was as squishy as me (with no armor) and kept getting melted by Jax/Cait/Wu so he was useless ,while Kha zix was extremely greedy.

Support is too hard for me -.-.Eh the game went really smoothly MF decided to not go b until she had money for IE which was dumb imo since I was maxing E over W (I was maxing E because MF kept eating Varus Qs without harassing in response). Other then that it was pretty much a stomp and Varus RQ at around 18-23 minutes. In the end I managed to pull a clutch play where me and Ori were being chased by Zed/Udyr and Mao-I E'ed exhausted Zed and ulted while Ori ran into my ulted and used Zhonya resulting in Zed dying. Udyr and Mao caught up to us poped Ori's GA and started chasing me around -I saw my teammates incoming so I started running around in circles until my team got there and taht was it.

Laning went pretty smoothly aside from Alistar Q W Leona onto me 2 times in a row :D.Which made Ez really cocky and he started trash talking. I roamed around a lot got a few good picks in mid lane and the enemy jungle as well as few dragon.All the while Ez was farming in bot lane talking about how he could own anyone (Talon included) so he decided to test it out and Talon made Ez disappear :D.

Well I didn't get ADC ,cuz our first pick decided to blind pick Twitch without banning Cait/Draven -.-. Needless to say bot lost.I managed to steal Amumu's red without getting contested and baited him and Talon into chasing me into a bush where Lux was waiting :D she bot 2 kills FB and blue from Amumu.The rest of the game was terribly frustrating as I was running around like a mad man trying to counter jungle/farm my jungle/sneak dragons and gank. After bot decided to go aggressive 2 times on Draven/Nami pre 6 I gave up on them and focused on getting mid fed/dragons/and counter jungling while allowing my team to take my jungle. Leona was raging/*****ing and crying all game long.But in the end Nunu was just too OP I took like 4-5 dragons and 1-2 barons pretty much for free. One thing that I didn't like was that Lux went for 4-5 Rings instead of rushing Zhonya vs Talon which lost us 1 teamfight and it was hard to babysit her other then that everyone did there job.

For the first time in my league career I've managed to convince everyone on my team to build an actual composition and they even picked champs that I wanted <3.And the game went beautifully I got killed in lane 2 times by Rammus camping (both could have been prevented by Zyra but w.e).Once the teamfights happened it was a one way slaughter (only Zyra was out of synch with her ults which is to be expected in silver/gold).And everyone on my team was really friendly throughout the match <3.

Everything went really well until Trist rage quit ,before the match Trundle tried telling me that Cait is not a top tier pick -.-. Well the enemy team decided to fight it till the bitter end and holy**** Lee/Blitz were throwing so hard and a few times I thought we would loose a 4v5. But Talon carry too hard :D.This game also was the last game for Reaper's promotion to Silver 2.

This game would have been so free if it wasn't for me being super tired and making so really really REALLY dumb mistakes like not focusing ADC in 2v2,forgetting to use Botrk and not paying attention to where I'm walking and getting Kennen ultedd ;(.I apologized to my team for my poor performance and each time I messed up I said : FAIL! :DD. Luckily for me my team was really forgiving especially Taric. (This was my last game in promos to Silver 2).

So right now I'm sitting at Silver 2 with 0LP.All these games were played yesterday ,but we only finished our marathon at around 1:40-2 AM ,so I was extremely tired as indicated by my failures in the last game.

P.s. I also learned that Talon is really freaking strong WTF :O?

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
TheBlueReaper's Forum Avatar
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Oct 18th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2013 2:31am | Report
Get carried man :D
And remember, kids, Cait and Trist are low picks and Ez can 1v1 a Talon. The people we play with lol
Thanks to jhoijhoi , TinyStar , Minho, Hogopogo , TheNamelessBard and GMD for the sigs!
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2013 8:42am | Report
First games in Silver 2-guess I expected too much.
Every lane lost TF free roamed cuz Fizz didn't push his tower.Rammus got defeated by 1 ward in bot lane -just couldn't go around it I guess. So no ganks bot from our jungler and we got tower dived 2 times eh.. In the end Fizz said well I got kills. Also Garen rushed sunfire when he was loosing to Zac in top (35 ranked games).

Tried something new. We put 2 ADCs in mid to take a fast tower ,cuz Ryze didn't want to lane vs LB and Ashe insta lock. Well it went really well at the start. We got a fast mid tower and a kill on LB. We proceeded to roam and take a total of 3 towers and 2 dragons and we after some ppl got caught in top lane we were 9-9 ,so it worked and we had a massive lead. And then the throwing began Ashe/Naut kept getting caught ,Naut got outsmited at dragon by ez Q. Each teamfight Cho/Lee/LB would go for me and Ashe with no help from Ryze/Naut CC and they wondered why we lost those fights. And the trend continued -ppl getting caught noone peeling. Yet another sour loose-mostly sour because my strategy worked ;(.

It was a solid game towards the mid game.Sadly Ori dc'ed at one point and we lost inhib and our lives :D. the gmae wasn't going too well before that. Nasus was playing Nasus for the first time ,so he didn't know that in order to solo or do an early dragon easier he needed to ult. Sona dc'ed at one point leading to a free tower dive for Amumu cait and taric as well as us loosing bot tower. We did manage to win a few fights,but that was about it.

SO 0-3 in Silver 2 looks like I might drop :/.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
TheBlueReaper's Forum Avatar
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Oct 18th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2013 11:41am | Report
Nasus said you were "an elitist and a douche" in the lobby btw.
Thanks to jhoijhoi , TinyStar , Minho, Hogopogo , TheNamelessBard and GMD for the sigs!
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2013 8:23am | Report
Been really long time since I updated this. Quite a few games happened during my "break from league" while I do have screenshots of all of them I can't recall much of details ,so I will post a game that marks my return to my Quest.

Well this game went down hill fast. We invaded enemy red and caught Thresh trying to ward sadly we were unable to secure FB ,because we had no ignite and I missed a blind Q from max range -.-. Laning phase went quite well I was ahead in cs and after a gank by Nunu we burned Ashe's summoners sadly we didn't get the kill and harassment from Nunu and Leona began ,they blamed me for "stay at a distance" (I didn't feel like getting hooked into tower and aside from Flash AA Q in tower range there was no way I could have killed Ashe. Later on we had 3 in bot and we won that 3v3 got a kill on Ashe ,but Nunu ks'ed it for no reason.Later we caught Elise trying to take our blue and again Nunu ks'ed even tho I had my ult on her while Elise had no Repel and 100 his explanation for that was "I didn't want you staying back again and letting a kill get away". Later on Leona got caught trying to fight Thresh with no vision and Elise was there and again I got blamed- noone helped so they tower dove me >.>. The game went along the lines of something bad happens "OMG THIS CAIT SUCKS" ect ect It was getting really annoying. I got even blamed for not running fast enough to save Nunu.Who continued his trend of fighting 4v2 and getting caught over and over again all the while ksing every kill he could from me and Teemo and non stop blaming others (Me and a few times Teemo). The end comment made by Teemo was the reason why we lost- Cuz I took blue when noone was around noone asked for it and I had nowhere to farm........

So after that I'm in Silver 2 with 75 LP.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2015 5:36pm | Report
LevasK wrote:
P.s. I also learned that Talon is really freaking strong WTF :O?

took u long enough
LevasK's Forum Avatar
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May 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2015 2:00am | Report
Reported for necro.

took u long enough

Too bad you still suck at him :/

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2015 2:20am | Report
Lock requested, and received. :P
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
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