Servers going down now to patch.

Time to go shower =u= Aaaaaaand possibly go over what I'm learning in chem today if they're still patching when I get out. Yesterday was enthalpy and colligative properties.

I purchased PAX Sivir last night and input it this morning. Prices went up from $25 to $30-$40. Code worked, checked in a custom game. Now all that needs to happen is the VU.


So, changes on Patch 3.9? None of my champions received a hit from the nerf gun or boffer sword. Mostly just bug fixes for my champions. Though I'm kinda happy they're dropping the MP costs on Corki; I agreed on the whole "he runs out of mana waaaaaay too fast" thing, and his abysmal range doesn't give him options OTHER than skillspam. I also like the Draven passive XD My partner is happy with the Shyvana changes.


Looking at the Lucian skill preview. Holy cow, his champion icon stares right into your soullllllll. And he uses his gun to capture turrets in Dominion. I approve.

ZenonTheStoic (one of the champion designers) posted:
There's a couple of cool builds we've been experimenting with here at the office, first and foremost the so-called "Blucian", where you start Dblade into early tears / manamune / blade of the ruined king. People have not had great success with the spirit of the elder lizard and a lot of our Blucians add a little red with a Brutalizer into BC. This is especially useful even on top of a Last Whisper if you find tanks constantly jumping into your stream of bullets and tanking up your ult.
Also keep in mind that Lucian's ultimate does have AS scaling. For those of you who like numbers, the exact formula is:
Where AS is your actual Attack Speed (factoring in both buffs and debuffs, but only checked once as you start up the cast), AS_COEFFICIENT is 2.5/3.0/3.5 by rank of the ultimate, and STATIC_ADJUSTMENT is always 2.5. This yields what we're labelling an effective attack speed: the amount of bullets your ultimate will shoot per second. This can go up to crazy numbers (like 10.0) (something about the idea of a 10.0 AS makes me happy). So experimenting with AS has shown to be fun as well.
We're concerned about a couple of things at the moment. First and foremost his overall powerlevel. We expect we'll have to take a little more off, but he has fallen flat on his face in a bunch of playtests, so we don't know yet. Secondly, he seems to snowball extremely hard. We have a few changes prepared that should address this. Finally, while Blucian is a super fun build, it slumps extremely hard in mid-game to the point where your first ulti if you've been building Manamune is probably barely going to tickle the enemy (and before you ask: no, Lucian's ultimate does NOT proc Muramana because that would be crazy.)

And his hired gun form gives him white hair. I approve.


Two new items on the PBE! Spellbreaker (AD,MR,Crit; builds off of Hexdrinker) and Spectre's Cowl (which is the new poke-neutralizing item; builds into Spirit Visage and Banshee's Veil)