I currently have 3437 IP and I have an itch for a new champion ... again, here are a few I had in mind that I would either buy now or save up and get later (need to know what everybody thinks of the champs so I don't buy c*** ... again -.- ).

3150 IP

Anivia (allot of CC, plus her passive sounds nice)
Gragas (great sustain and a beefy champion)
Heimerdinger (great support/ pusher, plus the idea of having a mobile base sounds OP)
Karthus (nice passive and massive aoe damage plus awesome ultimate)
LeBlanc (massive single target damage)
Shaco (a few matches of watching people play him has put some faith for me in him)

4800 IP

Ezreal (great poke and has allot of ways he can be played)
Kennen (sounds fun to play and allot of burst)
Renekton (a great fighter and tank, looks like he soaks up a fair ammount of damage)
Swain (great fighter/ mage plus his ultimate sounds OP)

6300 IP

Darius (he is a tank, but he doesn't fall back in the damage department like Shen)
Elise (allot of abbilities, plus she sounds fun to play)
Lucian (saw him all week long and he looks fun to play and OP)
Rengar (great burst and somewhat of a tank if built so)
Viktor (fun to play as and has a few ways he can be built)
Xerath (he is artillery and massive poke plus he is getting reworked)

Green = I can buy these champions right at this moment.
Orange = I need 1.3k IP in order to buy one of them.
Red = I need 2.8k IP to buy one of them ... it's along way to go -.-