Some of statistics about me:
  • I am Gold V.
  • I have only 30 Champions.
  • I have played only 15 different Champions in Ranked Game.
  • I won Ranked Games with only 10 Champions.
  • Zyra constitutes 170 Wins out of 274 Total Ranked Wins that I have. Moreover, 256 Wins out of my 274 Ranked Wins are solely composed of Zyra, Sona, and Lulu.
  • I have never played (YES, like NEVER) Teemo, Master Yi, and Garen - three of the beginner champions. Again, I never played them... like ever. This three is out of my many unplayed champions.

It's no surprise that I suck at anything not named 'support' or ' Zyra'. In fact, I am ranked as Trash 87 on Top, Junk 51 on Jungle, Mud 74 on Mid (except Zyra), and Asphalt 62 on AD Carry. My Dr. Mundo is infamous among my friends for feeding every game, and on these roles, I am worse than many Pre-30 Players.

I can definitely learn something by playing with MOBAFire people. Currently, my goal is to learn high-skill-cap champions such as Lee Sin or Zed. I would be glad if I can play with one of you guys.

Tell me if you are interested to play with me and become my teacher/LoLBuddy...