So, some 14 year old knuckle-dragger made a jokey post that went nowhere on the topic, so I thought I'd give my take on it.

I think the 'meaning of life' is a misnomer, and it should be rearranged to be someone's 'life purpose'.

You can ask why we're here, but that's already been established...
tl;dr Life exists because of physics, cosmology and biology all coalesced to explain the earth, the mechanics of life, and why life is in its current state. Big-bang cosmology - > accretion disks, abiogenesis, evolution, us.

With that out of the way, I think there are three major 'branches', or possibly more if you can think of any, of perspectives you can have about your life purpose.

1. Do the human thing - Be a human, have lots of experiences, ****, make babies, love, heartbreak, elation, etc. Be a person and drink up life.

2. "Attain immortality" - This is basically 'be the best I can be'. Certain people will go down in history and always be remembered either in fame or infamy. Hitler, Salk, Ghandi, Ceasar, Khan, Bill Gates, etc. These people have made their mark on humanity and will be remembered decades, centuries, even millinea after their deaths having achieved a faux immortality. Another way is to have lots of children of good stock (strong biological partner) to throw your DNA into the future indefinitely and hopefully your bloodline will extend and branch, giving you immortality that way.

3. My life is MY LIFE ****ERS - Follow your dreams, follow your nose, follow whatever you want to follow. I'll tell you a story;
A while back, I had a bit of a crisis. Lots of games, little progress in my life professionally and other aspects. I sat and talked with my brilliant friend and said, 'wah wah my life sucks all I do is play games and touch myself at night and have fun' to which he brilliantly replied, 'If that's what you want to do, what's wrong with that?'
Seemed like a simplistic response at the time, but it really got me thinking and I realized that hey, it's my life and I can do whatever I want with it. Maybe my PURPOSE in life is to sit around and play ****loads of games and touch myself at night, and if I can truly be OK with that, then who the **** do I have to answer to?
Basically, whatever you calling is or whatever makes your happy is your 'life purpose', or the meaning of your life.

Long story short, I think the meaning of YOUR life is whatever you want it to be. For me? I'm going with #1.