Hey guys!

This is hopefully a new series i will be starting up in my climb up the elo ladder.:D
I don't have all the match histories since i started to play ranked but i will at the very least give an overview of everything thats happened thus far.

When i first started ranked i made the mistake as many new comers to lvl 30 to start right away. I then got placed into bronze 1 where i was aiming for at least silver at that time. But being unable to climb higher as i was not able to *carry* my team and a few trolls dropped me all the way to bronze 4 in a short matter of time. Now with a little over 100 ranked games and a few normals since then i have improved my mechanics and have been steadily climbing my way back up usually winning 2-5 games in a row before losing one. Which is a major improvement over the 2-3 loss before a win coming in. I am now sitting comfortably at a bronze 2 slot with a little over 20 lp. I found that getting alot of practice with my few worst roles *adc and support* has helped me in many ways from being able to CS more confortably and also more map awareness.

My goal for end of season 3 so the end of this month would be to at the very least get to silver and at the least top of bronze 1 and i do think i have that potential in me to reach that point. If i can manage that then i will be happy for now. Then comes season 4, now i know for sure at the moment i am not gold material but for season 4 i would love to achieve that even if its right at the end of the season. It's going to be a long road and i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i will!

My champion Roster at the moment is starting from main roles to my current "weakness" roles:

Top: Singed, Riven
Mid: Lux, Nidalee
Jungle: Evelynn, Vi
Support: Sona, Janna
ADC: Miss Fortune, Vayne, Ashe

That's it for now guys!:D hope you enjoy this series with my climbing struggles!


P.S.: How do i put screenshots up in here for when i do post my matches? Would love to have some help with this if anyone is interested in giving me a hand so i can improve this so its not a wall of text.