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NineZone SoloQue Stream - Go for Diamond !:)

Creator: NineZone October 15, 2013 11:56am
NineZone's Forum Avatar
Oct 14th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 15, 2013 11:56am | Report
Hey Guys ! :)

My Name is Kevin , im 18 years old and i live in Germany.
I play league of legends since the beta and got into some competitive soloQue since season 2/3.
Now i started to stream to share some tips, have fun with the viewers and play lol while beeing watched :)
Im trying to communicate well with my Viewers, im not flaming and i always try my best to win the game !

In the breaks im answering questions and im trying to analyze the last game with / or for you , to see what went wrong and what my team, especially myself , couldve done better. Im trying to increase my skillcap and get better every day.

When i get enough viewers we will do some viewergames ! like 10 x same champ or normals, whatever you like ! :)

Also if youre interested in Music, in game breaks im playing guitar and piano myself, so if you want, check out my skills :D

Shortly summarized reasons why you should watch my Stream :

- Im Friendly
- I always try to communicate with my viewers
- I try to analyze after games
- Im answering question
- Im doing viewergames
- I never flame
- I do some live music in my stream while breaks
- i give advices for new players or players that want to increase skill level :)

See you on my Twitch site ! :)

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