Hey guys/gals who might have stumbled upon this humble blog post!

I had a massive impulse to post something so uh.. here it is. :3

I am a 17 year old Australian, just nearing the completion of year 12 who enthusiastically spends way more time than necessary playing League of Legends and Pokemon.
I have recently been playing a TON of jingle jangle jungle with an abnormal attraction to Nocturne and Elise as my two favourite champions to play.
I am currently sitting happily in Gold 3, slowly but surely climbing up to Platinum (my goal for this season) and hoping for Diamond next season! I feel as if I have quite a good understanding of the game but am always looking to improve and seek help from those who are more successful than I am :D

I also have a huge tendency to ramble on and on meaninglessly..
So sorry if I have bored you all to death ;-;

You have my sincerest of thanks for reading this little blog, and I hope to make some more in the future as something interesting happens.
Peace out. <3