First game is the lower one. Me and my partner fed like mad because we were not expecting Karma to do that much damage. Combined with the range from Caitlyn, it would have probably been better if I had picked Taric in this matchup, though I'm not sure. I was not able to get close enough to polymorph either, and I wasn't familiar with Olaf either; I tried polymorphing him and got a "cannot be disabled" message. I actually polymorphed Karma at one point...but it didn't work (I had vision of her via Help, Pix!, but she didn't turn into a kitty). I was rather confused, especially when the Inner Flame came in a second later. I think I leveled Help, Pix! second in this game, when I should have gone for more polymorph time.

Second game was a lot easier. Our Wukong top lane had trouble vs Fiora and Evelynn because he didn't get pink wards, but once we transitioned to teamfight phase, we performed well (mainly b/c I was able to get pinks around the map to stop Evelynn). This one, I leveled Whimsy second to help get Fiddlesticks into position (and Karma chase). There were three Crowstorm - Wild Growth combos that game. I should have given Fiddlesticks honor, since he helped me a lot when I wasn't able to buy wards.

Things we learned:
1) Ezreal is early-midgame champion. We should try grouping up with mid as soon as he hits Lv6.
2) Zyra's plants give 5 gold each *v *
3) I'm such a ward *****. I did end up sweeping with Oracle's Elixir twice in the second game, but I was rewarded with only three wards they left in the middle of their lane...