I hate this community. I really do. Unoriginallity and cookie cutter is what ultimately makes up this goddam game and I hate it to death. Sure, having cookie cutter builds and what not is to be expected from any game. I mean, everyone in gunbound used boomer, everyone in pokemon wants a mega gengar, everyone in WoW plays rogue for pvp, ect. ect. But my god, this ****ing community is so ****ing horrible with the extent it takes cookie cutter to. I can close my eyes before the start of every game and predict what people are going to say. For example, Toshabi and Twilight Spangles go to a duo ranked queue. The following is expected to happen.

3rd pick: Mid.

1st pick: Mid and adc

2nd pick: Mid.

3rd pick: **** you I called it first.

<bans happen>

<1st pick person picks w/e FOtM mid champ>

3rd pick: Wow. **** you. I'm going afk.

<Smite/clairvoyance Twitch>

Me and Twilight Spangle: >:I

But hey, that happens in every game, right? Toshabi, you DID take a trip to the DoTA 2 farm, yah? Similar things happened, yah?

Yup! To a degree, douches will be douches. Lanes would get taken and fought over, but not so much where you'd be screwed out of playing a hero/champ you wanted to play. Flexibility in lanes made it possible for me to pretty much do whatever I wanted to do with slark/mirana/silencer/ect. With LoL, it's pretty static. Bot lane MUST be support/adc. Tanks MUST play top lane or go jungle. AP MUST play mid lane ect. ect. The metagame in DoTA 2 accommodate for ****ty communities, thus making this problem a bit more easier to bare than this game. As with both games, the responsibility lies in your hands to play what your team needs, because the ****ers on your team certainly won't be mindful of this. >:| At least with DoTA, the items in the game allow you to really play who you'd want to play while allowing you to accommodate for some lack of CC.

But holy ****, we'll save that for another time, because this thread is becoming more derailed than that one train in the Batman Begins movie where that one baddie was like running some mega microwave into the water plant and batman was like "UUURRRGGHHHH, I TOLD THE NERD IN GLASSES TO BLOW UP THE RAIL" and the razz the ghoul guy is like "ERRMAGAWD! WHY!? =[" and batman is all like "I DONT WANNA KEEL YOU BUT I DONT HAVE TO SAVE YOU >:c" and like flies away and the razz guy is like " -_-" and blows up and dies.

Yeah, this blog is already getting like that, let me fix the train tracks.

But going back on topic to these ****ers insta calling lanes and such; I feel like with LoL, EVERYTHING is bound by a hidden set of rules that prevent creativity from spawning from within this community. If you play whatever uncool pick AP mid, people *****. I remember a time where people would RAGE QUIT a ****ing ranked queue because someone picked the hidden potential that was cassiopea. I remember a time during season 2 at the start of the jungle rework when people FLIPPED THEIR ****ING ***** OFF at the thought of me using jungle twitch. Or when me and Twilight Sparkle would get *****ed at for our SUPER DUPER STRONG Leona Singed combo bot lane during ranked queue. The start of every match that we'd get to play was "Report the trolls" "Twilight Spangle and **** Sword are trolling, report" ect. ect. When we'd ****ing rock face, people would be on their goddam knees in the presence that was mine and twilight spangles smooth groove combo.

Is this **** conventional? NOPE!

So why Toshabi? Why does the rude dude spirit of MOBAfail chaos say such things about a community, state that he uses such bizarre combos and say that what he was doing was ultimately not conventional?


SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! These tier lists and metagames made by pros are (Here comes a big *** plot point)


. Granted, these methods of playing the game to this degree are most efficient, that doesn't have to mean you have to live by these rules like it's the gospel.


Because it's as simple as this; The Metagame is ALWAYS changing. Additionally, solo queue ranked is filled with 98% morons 1.5% good players and .5% god tier. Every conventional, most efficient way of gameplay has a cruel unconventional way of being defeated easily. It's as simple as that. The 98% of matches you play will be with people who genuinely are just ****ing good at one thing. They're a one trick pony. You throw a curve ball at them that you know how to throw (Countering a bot lane such as Varus and Sona with Jarvan IV and Leona) and they're going to FLIP THEIR **** because (here's another big ***, juicy point)


. The choice of champion COMPLETELY *********S their combination. They'll have to pack flash and cleanse to even stand a chance in that lane. That combo alone ****s up the bot lane meta, and several top champions are soooo ****ing easily countered by an ap with CC or a super kite hero like vayne, graves or heck, even the biggitty black dude with two guns (I think his name is lotion). I seriously just gave you a scenario where defying the metagame would put the game in your goddam favor before the game even begins, because early game in solo queue decides 70% of your games. If you ********* them with some RANDOM *** TEAM ASSIGNING like this, they will NOT have the morale to continue the game. Me and Spangles CRUSHED so many teams like this, depending if our team wasn't filled with a bunch of 13 year old losers that spout the typical LoL one liners (I will address that in the end).

My advice to you LoL community is to TRY to be different. Give it a shot. Embrace the chaos that I so wonderfully make available to you with this blog. I kid you not, when you start thinking of ways to defeat the meta with champs and ideas found outside of the meta, you'll ultimately start becoming a better player. This game TRAINS YOU to be like a show monkey, who only knows the tricks his master teaches him. It sickens me so much that even the makers of LoL build their games based only off this one meta game standard. Going to DoTA for a year honestly opened my eyes to how ****ing static this game is. It's enjoyable, yes, but it's very very static with how LoL quickly shoots down growing metas. Rather than embrace the mistakes they've made by buffing other things, they'll simply cut it down to keep things in line with how the meta is. LoL has the potential to be a mighty 1000 year old wild and far spread Maokai oak tree, but instead, chose to be a small, refined banzai tree in terms of gameplay. Thank god that the game is so simple to pick up and has a whimsical anime theme tied to it, otherwise this game would've suffered the fate that is that uh..... one game...... what was it... heroes of.... the earth?... Ah I don't remmeber.

Also, for all those people who abuse ****ty lines like "DAT <word>" "GG NO RE" "WORTH IT" "lolz" "too stronk" "THE THROWS" "OP" ect. ect., please do yourself and the entire world a favor and


Holy balls, just keep in mind that every single time you emulate a line like that, you turn into a smaller, more annoying version of Wratho<REDACTED>. You guys seriously complained about how Carlos Mencia was a big ****ing rip off and was nothing more than a joke parrot. Well guess what? YOU"RE ALL ****ING BEING CARLOS MENCIA! STOP BEING CARLOS MENCIA YOU TWO BIT HACKS!

This concludes Toshabi's small slice of chaotic wisdom and thoughts.

As a side note: I proved you can escape ELO hell last week. I started at the bottom of silver, thanks to ELO decay. I'm now working my way up gold now. **** you people who think ELO hell exists. And quite literally too. Leave your address in the comments below for a sexy visit with MOBAfail's favorite villain!