This is my opinion. Some champs are stronger than others at different elos, but this is a general assessment of their kits and relative power ATM in a typical solo queue game.

Shyvana Tier: Shyvana(^^^^^^^^)
Tier 1: Lee Sin, Elise, Jarvan IV, Vi
Tier 2: Nocturne, Evelynn(v), Rammus(^^)
Tier 3: Udyr, Amumu, Trundle, Nasus, Xin Zhao, Zac, Fiddlesticks(^)
Tier 4: Kha'Zix, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Skarner, Warwick, Jax, Zed, Cho'Gath, Malphite, Nunu & Willump(vv), Volibear, Hecarim(vv), Nautilus(vv), Master Yi(v)
Tier 5: Rengar, Olaf, Maokai, Poppy!!!(*)

(removed pantheon and kayle and shen...for nao)
Shyvana - Resourceless, godly counterjungle, princely counterganks, etc. Shy is a threat at every level and she's a mainstay in high elo jungling ATM.
Hecarim+ Nautilus - No idea why I kept them up so high, they haven't been viable in months o.0
Evelynn - I might of had her too high and I don't see DJ LAMBO playing her anymore. Bruiser jungles in, snowball jungles out
Rammus - I like him a lot. His clear is terrible, but he is still effective in the meta ATM. Plus, my tier 2 was looking a bit thin.

Tier 1: Shen, Renekton, Aatrox, Jax(^), Riven(^), Shyvana(*), Karma(*)
Tier 2: Lee Sin, Vladimir, Zac, Rengar, Malphite, Nidalee, Jayce, Nasus, Tryndamere, Singed(^)
Tier 3: Darius, Wukong, Olaf, Yorick, Irelia, Teemo, Jarvan IV, Kennen(v), Zed(v), Cho'Gath(v), Rumble(vv)
Tier 4: Volibear, Akali, Xin Zhao, Pantheon, Kha'Zix, Garen, Elise(vv), Poppy(^), Trundle(v), Kayle(v)
Fiora Tier: Fiora, Gangplank, Vi
(removed fizz, katarina)

Jax, Riven, Shyvana - This isn't a surprise, Jax and Riven are a mainstay to top and have an uncanny ability to showball their lane and be a huge nuisance. Shyvana is at the top because she BEATS pretty much all tier 1's very handily.
Karma - Biggest top bully in the game. Decently safe in lane and dumpsters bruisers. Pick this, play well, and win

Tier 1: Fizz, Lissandra, Gragas, Kassadin, Karma(^^^^^^)
Tier 2: Anivia, Twisted Fate, LeBlanc, Lux, Cassiopeia, Orianna, Zed(v), Ahri(v), Nidalee(^), Morgana(^^), Syndra(^)
Tier 3: Swain, Karthus, Kayle, Ryze(v), Diana(v), Kennen(v), Brand(^^), Viktor(^^), Heimerdinger(^^)
Tier 4: Annie, Veigar, Zyra, Vladimir, Ziggs, Xerath, Evelynn, Akali, Cho'Gath, Katarina, Pantheon(v)
Tier 5: Galio, Talon, Mordekaiser, Malzahar, Kha’zix(v), Jayce(vv)

Zed, Ahri, Ryze - Nerfs T_T
Brand Viktor Heimerdinger - I had viktor and brand way too low. They still have tons of issues, but brand and vik's strong laning combined with mediocre teamfights makes for at least a 3. The heimer rework made him much, much better obviously.
Karma - She's a huge threat no matter what solo lane she's in. Some individuals have been spamming her in high d1 to get to challenger because in the right hands there is no counterplay to her utility.

Don't bother: Teemo, Elise, Zilean, Sion, Fiddlesticks

Tier 1: Caitlyn, Vayne(^), Sivir(^^)
Tier 2: Ezreal, Kog'Maw, Varus(v), Jinx(*), Lucian(^^)
Tier 3: Twitch, Graves, Tristana, Corki(vv)
Tier 4: Draven, Ashe, Miss Fortune, Quinn(v)
Don't bother: Urgot, Kennen

Had Vayne a bit too low.
Sivir = godmode with remake.
Had Varus too high, and with all of the Lucian spam recently at high level, I've realized that he's not awful.

Tier 1: Sona, Nami, Thresh, Annie(*)
Tier 2: Leona, Fiddlesticks, Alistar, Blitzcrank(v), Janna(v), Zyra
Tier 3: Taric, Lulu, Nunu & Willump
Tier 4: Elise, Lux, Soraka

Don't bother: Karma, Zilean, Nidalee, Kayle(v)

Minor adjustments. Forgot Annie T_T

(^) - Up a tier from previous list
(v) - down a tier from previous list
(^^) - up 2 or more tiers from previous list
(vv) - down 2 or more tiers from previous list
(*) - new addition from previous list

11/14 published
11/19 corki+quinn moved down