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AMA about how to get better (Diamond 1)

Creator: ShayanShine November 13, 2013 11:28am
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Jul 4th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2013 9:37am | Report

say you are playing jungle. 2 of your lanes are feeding (i know this doesn't happen much in diamond)...the third is doing average. obviously i would be more inclined to snowball the lane doing average...but how much should i look to at least help the other lanes? should i completely write them off? is there a possibility to survive the match if two lanes feed hard during laning phase? seems to be happening a lot to me lately...i went 3/0/4 last night as nasus and helped my mid and top lanes...but bot fed hard and even though i got top two kills he didn't really do ****...naturally i was blamed for the loss.

The thing is, you should focus most your efforts on helping the lane doing average, but don't ignore the other lanes. Show presence in those lanes, just don't expect to get any kills because once the lane is behind it's tough to kill the enemies in it. If opportunities for counterganks arise, capitalize on them. I recommend keeping tabs on wherever the enemy jungler is - if he ganks a lane close to you, head there for a counter gank. If he ganks a lane across the map, do something productive near you (dragon, buff, gank a different lane). If you follow this principle you'll be able to have maximum presence on the map even though 2 lanes are feeding.

In lower ELOs junglers take a lot of the blame so try not to let that affect you.
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 15, 2013 9:41am | Report
thanks :)

ShayanShine's Forum Avatar
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Jul 4th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2013 3:00pm | Report

thanks :)

No problem!
Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2013 4:30pm | Report
Thanks as well for answering my question + ♥
sig by HogoPogo
Kazega's Forum Avatar
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Jun 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2013 5:53pm | Report
When I am laning against I often times come across a strat that will work well once, but it will fail later on. For example a played a I diana as Katarina once, and i was able to lay down some massive harass and force her out o flane several times. later, in the same match up, I tried to harass but she just out traded me and I was jsut doing poorly from then on out.

How do I know which approach is right? I mean I understand that some things are better than others but I was hugely criticized for rushing BotRK on Nidalee when in the past, it has worked for me. In fact that has never failed me.
Shuru's Forum Avatar
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Sep 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2013 6:10pm | Report
How do I beat cheese strats, and stuff I don't really see?

today I got destroyed by an AP sion top as wukong. my friends got mad when I said I wished they were on a ganker rather than on shyvana, but honestly, I wasn't even sure what to do. If I'm not losing to tryndamere I'm losing to some hilarious cheese strat .-.
Ban out GoodPlays GG
ShayanShine's Forum Avatar
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Jul 4th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2013 9:09am | Report

Thanks as well for answering my question + ♥

You're welcome! :D

Kazega wrote:

When I am laning against I often times come across a strat that will work well once, but it will fail later on. For example a played a I diana as Katarina once, and i was able to lay down some massive harass and force her out o flane several times. later, in the same match up, I tried to harass but she just out traded me and I was jsut doing poorly from then on out.

How do I know which approach is right? I mean I understand that some things are better than others but I was hugely criticized for rushing BotRK on Nidalee when in the past, it has worked for me. In fact that has never failed me.

Certain matchups are advantageous for one side until a certain level. For example, most champs beat Kassadin from levels 1-5, but once he gets his lvl 6 and a couple items, he usually beats out other champions due to his damage and mobility. The key is to figure out when your champion has the advantage and when he falls off, and play accordingly. So if I'm playing Kassadin, I'll play very conservatively from levels 1-5, but 6 onwards I know I can be more aggressive. In the reverse, playing vs Kassadin, I know I can be aggressive levels 1-5, but 6 onwards I have to be a lot more cautious. Does that help?

If something works for you and it's winning you games, that's all that matters. Chances are you might be ahead of the meta, or have found a niche that works in the current meta. The only thing that matters is getting the victorious screen at the end, by any means, including odd picks and item builds that may work get you criticized. Ignore the criticism.

Shuru wrote:

How do I beat cheese strats, and stuff I don't really see?

today I got destroyed by an AP sion top as wukong. my friends got mad when I said I wished they were on a ganker rather than on shyvana, but honestly, I wasn't even sure what to do. If I'm not losing to tryndamere I'm losing to some hilarious cheese strat .-.

Beating cheese strats comes with experience. You have to lose to it once or twice before you figure out how to beat it. Whenever you lose to a cheese strat think to yourself what you could have done differently. Maybe use more magic resist runes and masteries, and rush a hexdrinker? Maybe all-in at level 2 to get a lane advantage? Maybe roam from level 6 and let him take your turret so you can make plays around bot lane? Try different things.
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2013 9:13am | Report
How do I play Kassadin?

Brief explanation or something pls

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Kazega's Forum Avatar
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Jun 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2013 12:59pm | Report
Not really what I asked....

I asked that how come a strat (in this case a level 3 Q>E>W burst as Kat onto a Diana) works well once, but will backfire the next time despite similar rune and mastery sets. What is with the inconsistency?
ShayanShine's Forum Avatar
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Jul 4th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 17, 2013 5:40pm | Report
Janitsu wrote:

How do I play Kassadin?

Brief explanation or something pls

Start off with flask, hp pot, and 1 ward.
Max skills in this order: R, Q, E, W
Items in order: RoA, Sorc boots, Death cap, Void staff, Zhonyas, Lich Bane

Laning phase:

Levels 1-5: Your goal is to simply survive and get as much CS as possible. It is possible to get a kill if your jungler ganks, but don't rely on it. Overall you just have to survive and not die. Do not take too much harass. Give up CS if you must. After lvl 3 you can start using your Q to harass.

Level 6+: You can now roam and even kill the opponent you're laning vs. To kill the person you're vsing, harass them with Q + E and once they're low enough, kill them. If they're too durable, wait for ganks. Otherwise keep your eyes open to roam to other lanes.

KASS's BEST SKILL IS ROAMING. Keep your eyes open for opportunities in other lanes. Create opportunities by lane-ganking using your ultimate to catch ppl offguard.


Wait around until the major cooldowns are blown before you go into the fight. Assassinate the enemy carries. Clean up the fight.

Kass is really simple and effective. You can also splitpush with him, that's a bit advanced, but if you stick to the above you'll be fine.

Kazega wrote:

Not really what I asked....

I asked that how come a strat (in this case a level 3 Q>E>W burst as Kat onto a Diana) works well once, but will backfire the next time despite similar rune and mastery sets. What is with the inconsistency?

Ah okay I get what you're asking. That's a difference of runes and masteries. Some people like running full offensive runes, some people prefer to throw in some MR. If they're running flat 12 MR then you wont be able to get away with that harass strategy. Use to see what your opponent is running vs you and adapt accordingly.

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