Hello everyone!

So this week, well, last week actually - we had a chance to try Mr. Nautilus for freeand therefore I tried to jungle with him. Problem is I hadn't much time this week for this "trials", and I didn't play a single PvP game with him in jungle. So this post will be based on my very limited custom and bot games experience, and more liek a train of thought than a serious insight. But let's give it a shot.


Not a bad jungler. Tanky, cool abilities and has one of the best jokes I saw in this game. And he is dark (I love dark characters, in LoL as well). Even though his clearing time is not that good, he wasn't worse than Nasus and that is a plus.

  • HE IS A TANK. Again. Like Nasus, this guy is a walking pile of rusty iron and therefore tanky as tank can get. And therefore I don't like it. Don't like tanky junglers. Can soak damage, but can't deal any. So his clearing time is slower as well, which puts him in disadvantage against quick junglers who outfarm him easily. Pity I thought about checking the clearing times of different junglers in custom games just now, could have some starting info to work with in the future. :(

  • HE IS SLOW. Gods of Metal, he is SLOW!! Getting somewhere felt much slower than with Nasus. Yes, he can speed up with his Q, but for the cost of mana. If jungling with this guy, I think you will need 3x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed + 3 points in Fleet of Foot and either Mobility Boots or Boots of Swiftness with Enchantment: Alacrity. At the cost of armor/magic resistance. Quite a difficult choice to make.

  • CC BEAST I think it will take a really unskilled player with lags like hell not to secure a kill whie ganking with Nautilus. He is like Thresh's sea brother, but with more CC at the cost of movement speed and any "team mate saving" abilities. Even though these abilities can be used in defensive way as well. Passive gives your AA a stun. Q jsut holds the person in place and it is casted instantly, without that annoying 2 sec pause and alerting sound, like Thresh has. W gives you AoE dmg for a teamfight + shield. E gives massive slow and R gives another stun. Is this guy for real? I really think his ganks must be (combined with all the movement boosts he can get, maybe enhanced with Ghost spell) fatal ones for any lane.

  • GOOD ESCAPIST Yes, I think so. I read everywhere about him getting easily harassed by counter-jungling, but I guess after lvl 3 it should not be a problem. If I encountered an enemy jungler who was about to fight me and I didin't feel like it, I would go for this course of actions: AA him for stun (if possible atm), use R to slow him down, then Q to get some distance between you two and in the end - in case it looks bad, pop up your shield with W, to be safe. Should be OK.

After the limited experience I have with this champion, I think Nautilus is something between "meh" and "mediocre" jungler. Still better than Nasus, but I think he will have a ****load of problems jungling, if he was against some real junglers like Xin Zhao, Udyr or Lee Sin (nevermind this OP Shyvana).

But for me, if I ever get this champion, his place will be definately on bot lane, as a support. Right now I would have a hard time to choose between Nautilus and Thresh, to be honest. This one seems much easier to play, as his Dredge Line is smoother and quicker and has a lots of CC that you just can't escape (unlike Thresh's ulti). Next time this big guy comes free, I will support with him. And I think I will do much better. And since you don't see him much in games, it would be fun to confuse players with your unusual pick :)

What about you, guys? Did you tried Nautilus jungle or support? What do you think?