Hello everyone!

NOTE: Sorry for being a crybaby, but I held it for too long and it needs to get out, otherwise my brain just explode from all what happens around my ranked games.

I know it's just a pre-season, and I only played ranked for few weeks now, but I had enough. And this picture really, REALLY says it all.

For 3 weeks I tried not to think about it, taking it easy, nothing's going on... but now I went to Silver III and I'm really fed up.

I was happy I skipped the Bronze division hell, but was not prepared for the Silver division crysis.

I thought Silver guys knows the basics and especially from division III up, they are about to play seriously. WHAT A MISTAKE!

My ratio now is 21 games and 9 wins. When I completed my last provisional, I had 10G 6W. It means I won only 3 new games after provisional, from 11 in total. And I fcuked up maybe 3 of them.

I don't know where to start....


- no communication
- banning just their own counters (for one lane)
- trollpicks
- playing champs they are not familiar with in RANKED
- "mid/top or feed" is like their motto and start of many toxic talks before the game
- stealing roles because of pick order

7 out of 10 games I can see we are going to loose just by reading the lobby chat.

Like this last game - I called first and I called support. But I was the last to pick. Some ***** asked Ezreal if he is good and can play aggresively. He said he is pretty good and offensive bot play is the easiest. So this ***** picked Leona. Another ***** picked yasou and went mid. He left me and my premade (mid + suport), to go jungle and top. I never played top before and had only Garen. Did my best, got lucky with First Bloos, but fed enemy Akali with 3 deaths. Luckily, by that time bot was lost and Yasuo fed Riven with 7 deaths and went afk (just few seconds before Ezreal) so nobody noticed me.


(This is when real ******ness begins)

- everyone takes Stealth Ward but NOBODY wards
- still blaming support for putting just 3 wards on whole map (seriously???)
- top or mid (or both) feed like hell
- goiong solo 1v3 or more
- FOCUSING TANKS (instead of adc or supp or mid or whatever...)
- stealing jungle and buffs from each other without asking
- everyone for themselves, nobody helps anybody
- all going to kill jungle monsters when they should defend the base
- when somebody initiate a teamfight, the rest of the team runs away

They all want kills so badly, they don't mind diving alone on lvl 1 or 2, without creeps around. If top feeds, they blame jungler. (No, it is not a probelm they don't ward and run into obvious traps, it is their jungler's fault).

If I get a chance to play support, we usually win the lane, or if the enemy bot is good, we manage to stay even till mid game (ofc it depends on our, and enemy jungler as well). But normally we don't need help. And mostly by the time we push bot and get the turret down, enemy mid or top is so fed, they team up with jungler and come 4v2 bot and kill us.

In thsoe cases I try to heal my ADC and if the enemy is stupid enough, to get them to focus me ( Starcall still scares lots of people so much, they forgett about chasing ADC and try to kill me first :D)

But what good it is, if we still loose all the other lanes?

I really don't mind loosing against better players. And I admitt that sometimes I play like ***** (when I'm sleepy or not in a mood, but lately I can feel when is not the right time to play so I go only for a normal game) or the enemy just has a luck in a crucial teamfight, that is all perfectly fine with me. But this is ridiculous.

I see enemy team doing ******ed mistakes, that even Bronze V would be ashamed of them... it's just our team always surprises me and makes bigger ones.

I think my only option is 3v3 and 5v5

I got 2 mates playing this game, and when we play TT, it is always fun and even if we fcuk it up, it never feels so bad. And we can tell each other's mistake, therefore improve for the future matcehs. But I feel good about good gameplay, and if I played badly, I learn from my mistakes and carry on. (Lol, carry on... I'm a support, I should carry the ADC to carry the team to win... :D)

Now I need another 2 cool guys to make a 5 man team so finally I can start enjoying this game.

Ranked Solo/Duo is only about luck, not skill and seems like my luck ran out with my last provisional match.

At least this video can cheer me up a bit....