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How Does One Jungle?

Creator: DeanoDaFrog January 15, 2014 5:12pm
DeanoDaFrog's Forum Avatar
Jan 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2014 5:12pm | Report
Hey guys. So, I'm not really new to League (I'm lvl 19 1/2) but I would like to try jungling but the only problem is that I have no clue how. I heard it is pretty complex compared to lane, but it seems more of my play style.

Too pro.
-NA- Veng Lmfao
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Jul 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2014 10:10pm | Report
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2014 9:21am | Report

El Shoshonee
El Shoshonee's Forum Avatar
Jan 10th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2014 8:45am | Report
Grab a Hunters Machete, and 5 health potions. First take blue or red buff, then clear some smaller jungle creeps. About level 3/4 you want to get the other buff, maybe get more potions if needed. Dont forget to grab smite and pick a champion good for jungling. Once you hit level 6, then you can gank and should think about helping gank lanes or counter-jungling.

Just practice clearing jungle creeps fast and moving to the next one as fast as you can.
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lifebaka's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2014 1:39pm | Report
^That's not very good advice. The starting items are right (generally), but it's not an efficient route for all junglers.

Generally, you start at the buff that's on your bottom side. Get your bottom laners to help a bit with the buff, but don't make them stay too long and miss exp in lane. You'll probably want to use a potion during the fight. Smite the buff when your Smite will kill it. When you've finished the camp you should be level 2.

Next, move on to wolves. It's between the two buffs, takes enough time that smite will be back up for the other buff, and gives enough exp to make the second buff get you to level 3. Use potions as necessary to keep your health fairly high.

After wolves, take your other buff. Smite it. If you started bottom side, you're now positioned with double buff to gank top. If a top gank is possible, ping that you're headed top to let your laner know, and then ping again when you're ready to go in. If a top gank isn't possible, consider ganking mid or farming the rest of your jungle. Use Smite on large monsters when it's up, because it makes clearing a camp much faster, but make sure you keep Smite up for buffs and possible dragons or barons. (If you and the enemies are doing a dragon dance, it's a bad time to use Smite to secure a buff, for instance.)

Most junglers want all their skills at level 3, but the skill order varies by jungler. Who are you thinking of using to learn jungling?
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FantasySniper's Forum Avatar
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Dec 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 25, 2014 7:27pm | Report
Grab a Hunter's Machete, Sweeping Lens, and some health pots.

Call on your mates to help you (this is known as "Leashing") take the respective buff that would be best for your champ, usually blue.

Go on to farm the wolves/wraiths respectively, then farm the remaining choice across the jungle. On your first back, invest fully into finishing your jung item or whatever is next in your build.

Mobility Boots are usually the best choice for any jungler, and make moving between camps and lanes much easier, since you're job is to help your team gank enemies that are pushing your mates back past the river.

The route you take certainly doesn't matter as much as it once did, just grab whatever nearest monsters are available, but remember that the wraiths near red buff are the most efficient, and if your team is smart, leave the non-buff golems for your laner to grab the extra gold they might just need when walking back from base. (If this tactic is not as viable as I'm told it is, please help me correct it) Take the buffs as often as possible to help your farming.

The rest is completely up to your respective champion and playstyle. Just remember to gank, gank, gank where it's most needed, and watch out for their jungler.

Something else that you should know is to watch for counter-jungling. Invaders will come and swipe a buff from under you, or even kill you. Ward up the river and let your mates know when someone's in the jungle, then gank them until they stop coming in altogether.

Take a quick look at some of the junglers available and make your choice of champ. Some really good starting ones are Amumu and Udyr
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Dychronius's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2014 4:15pm | Report
While I'd love to say there's a quick and easy few step guide to jungling, there really isn't. What I can say is this: Jungling needs runes a lot. Tanky junglers don't need them quite so much, like Amumu, but they're needed if you want to play some of the more interesting junglers. Don't get runes until 20, then you can get greater runes. The basic gist, which is true most of the time is:
Start Hunter's Machete, pots, ward trinket or sweeping trinket, your preference.
Start at blue, ask for leash. Asking isn't needed once you reach higher levels, then people just know to do it anyway.
Clear that, don't let anyone be near to take xp, you need it. Go do a smaller camp, then go red. You should have smited blue, thanks to its lower cooldown, and have it up for red. Do red, smite it, look for ganks. If there are no opportunities to gank, keep farming the jungle. Go back eventually to buy, and your basically set.

Some champions don't start blue, but this really isn't prevalent too much. The general idea is that those who don't use mana start red. Lee Sin, Rengar, etc.

That's the general idea. It takes map awareness and a lot of thinking to yourself to jungle, but just go where you feel you are needed. If someone asks for help, go to them when you can. WHile what I've said isn't perfect, it's the general idea of it. There's a lot of details and other such things that come into play, but those aren't really that important until you're level 25+, usually.

Do do do dee do do do
Inquisitor_Kane's Forum Avatar
Jul 11th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 8, 2014 8:14am | Report
And most of all - get ready to be flamed and hated so much, you either quit jungling or start muting 3-4 team mates before the game timer hits number 7 :D

I was so depressed about folks hating me, I started to jungle bot games. Just to get the feeling of what to do, without the pressure. I waas just running up and down, coming late for ganks, circling around with no purpose, being useless most of the time. But I continued and slowly got the basics.

When I started jungling, the first thing I did right after I got my first items and was running towards buff - I wrote to my team chat "first time jungle".

No matter if I was first, 10th or 20th time in jungle. Like that, if you do really bad and get reported, anyone judging your case would see that first sentence in the team chat, therefore you will not be mistaken for troll. Very important, I think :)

And look up on YouTube this podcast called JUNGLE NATION. It has only 4 or 5 episodes, but they are very educative, for us noobs. Like that one great advice - if you are falling behind, start farming the jungle. Don't gank (cause you just fail and feed), just farm, get items and then try to come back (I was doing exactly the opposite and was feeding like hell :D).

Then pick 2-3 of your favourite champions to jungle with (nowadays preferably bruisers that can deal damage and are very mobile), stick to them and jungle as much as you can. Watch videos of pros playing your champions in jungle and learn how they do stuff.

Also you can find plenty of in-depth guides here on MOBAfire, that can give you some insight.
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Stomper's Forum Avatar
Feb 2nd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 9, 2014 3:35pm | Report
Jungling is a really great way to learn the game. IMO, jungle is the best role for learning map awareness/how to know what's going on in the fog of war.

As far as learning the basics, what I would do is buy ridiculous amounts of wards and spend an inefficient amount of time ganking. That's far from the best way to win games, but it is going to teach you a ton about the role.

Continuing on that trend, I wouldn't play Amumu or anybody like him. He is absolutely amazing if you want to win, especially at level 19 1/2, and extremely easy to jungle with because of his fast clear times and the reduced damage he takes... but he downright sucks at invading and counterganking, and if you play him you'll learn those things very late. I'd suggest a control jungler like Xin Zhao, Vi, Elise, Lee Sin, Aatrox... somebody who is very good at counter playing the enemy jungler. Maybe you won't win as much, but again, you'll learn how to jungle.

Just my two cents.

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