Greetings and Salutations, It is I, MyBloodisBlack with yet another blog which will hopefully be more successful and alot more pleasant than my last blog that caused alot of issues and has taken my a while to get the confidence back to do another of these.

Since the pre-season of Season 4, the support role has become alot more player friendly due to the burden of warding being shared amongst team mates instead of the support rushing around the map getting bollocked for not warding then bollocked for not being with the team (A lose/lose situation if there ever was one).

But I have started to notice that some champions who may not be classed as support are actually pretty strong candidates for a good "Break the meta" as they say and I am about to mention a few that some of you may think "Oh god here we go" but seriously when you try it you may find some of them are actually decent support lets start with a absurd one to really confuse the enemy.


Now I know what some of you are saying now "Shes not a support she is an ADC and that's it...end of story" but hold your horse because I have some evidence to support this claim and it comes from another support Syndra.

The Basis of her being classed as a support is the fact Her W does damage and reduces movement speed and her E does damage and Stuns enemies and what exactly does Jinx W and E do? That's correct exactly the same on both accounts, Now that mean that if someone like Syndra can be classed as support then only fairly any champion who has similar skills should also be classed as such.


Slightly more obscure is the mage assassin Le Blanc, her Ethereal Chains may effectively be the only move that can be classed as a support move but its effectiveness plus the fact you can your Mimic to create a more powerful version does make her a very interesting choice as a support.

Now I will not say she is a great choice as a support however she can be an interesting choice and with some practice be an effective choice against ADC especially since you can stun them quickly in just 1.5 seconds whilst dealing damage.


This is one I have done before so I am confident about its abilities as a support, Ziggs is fantastic for keeping enemies back and slowing them down and causing separation of enemy champions in the bot lane, He is effective when playing with the likes of Varus who requires more distance between himself and the targets and also for pretty much any other ADC player who likes to have free range for farming and for long shot attacks.

Again this does require practice but its not impossible to do some excellent supporting and in a way the best way to do it is to play like you would in is that simple.

The Support role has evolved and so to has the choices of who can and can't support, where it used to be from the choice of the likes of Soraka, Sona and Taric is now anyone who essentially could heal, slow, stun, shield, regen mana, revival and/or aura and believe me the choices are indeed endless so why not have a look at your own champions and see if any of them could in theory be unique support.

This is me, Signing out...