Hello everybody!

Yesterday I decided to rush my last 3 provisionals, which was a mistake. But I really wanted to have it done, not to have that stress about where will I be in the end.

So I'm Bronze 1 now, which would be OK, it's just dissapointing.

I ended up with 6/4 in preseason, and I was Silver 2. Now I got exactly the same result - 6/4 and I am Bronze 1, while my premade duo, who was 5/5 (and in preseason he was Silver 4) was thrown to Silver 5.

I was very pissed yesterday.

I'm OK now, though. I rushed it, wasn't playing very well yesterday, so I guess I deserved it. Also in Bronze there will be no stress, as I can't fall any lower than that and as my friend Nautilus says - when there's nothing else left, there is just forward. (Or something like that.)

In S4 I'm gunning for Gold 3 or Gold 4. But as from now, I will play rankeds only on weekends, fresh and fully in OK mood, no stress, no rush, just pure plays. Week days will be just for training.

I owuld like to say "see you in the fields of justice" for goodbye, but as a Bronze noob I'll just shut up for now and better go to work before it'll be too late... :D