Good Evening.

This is going to be my introduction and first entry to a series dedicated to the things that Riot does wrong. Of course, these are all just personal opinions and don't necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of MOBAfail (which is pretty much everything I say). Today, I'd like to talk about a subject that we're ALL pretty much involved with;

Episode 1: All Talk

So we've finally entered the 2014th year of Man Kind after the birth of our dear Lord and all we've got to show for it are things like the tribunal being put into play. Yes, the Tribunal, a systems dedicated to cleaning out the filth that is the Riot community. It's sort of a backwards system, if I say so myself, given that 70% of the people who are voting on these cases are troublemakers themselves according to LoL's statistics and data released last year (don't quote me on that, it just sounds flashy and professional).

Upon reviewing a lot of these cases, I noticed that there was a really stupid trend happening in most of these games; The reports were the ENEMY TEAM reporting a PLAYER that KICKED THEIR *** for STUPID ****.

Just take a look at some of these snap shots I took of cases being sent to the tribunal (which I think is probably the ****tiest system invented to fix a problem community)

Yasuo was the one reported.

Yasuo was the one reported

Zed was the one reported. Apparently, 20 seconds of "XD" is spamming the whole game.

Katarina was the one reported.

Twitch was the one reported.

These were from my first 3 cases. Holy ****. Riot, look at this ****. These reports are from the enemy team, half of which got their *** kicked by these people. I mean look at this ****. I know it looks like I'm cherry picking, but honest to god, these spots in the reports are the "worst" the problem player was being. Even then, it begs the question:


There is absolutely no reason why this game should have all chat, given that the game has been out for less than 5 years and it already has over 6 million cases. If you honest to god want to reduce the amount of cases your stupid *** game gets, REMOVE THE ****ING ALL CHAT FUNCTION FOR THIS GAME.

There is absolutely no reason for people to even communicate with the other team. And even then, how many times do you see people use all chat maturely? I'm the only one, along with that Electrike I duo queue with, that use it to compliment people from time to time. Excluding yourself, how many times do you see people spamming all chat with "REPORT THIS <champ> HE FEEDING" when all that happened was him getting ganked a lot? Or how about the classic "THIS TEAM! OH MY GAWD GG". Or how about "LOL YOU ****ING SUCK YOU USED ALL YOUR ULTS AND SPELLS ON ME LOOOOOOOLZ XD GG TOO STRONK GG NO RE OP NERF IRELIA XD XD XD"? The all chat feature in League of Legends is nothing more than a soapbox and tribunal case fodder, especially for the enemy team. There is no reason why the enemy team should be given something to use as a parting shot on the star player of the opposing team that kicked their ***. That Katarina game was proof of this ******** happening (and that case only had 2 PROBLEM GAMES! And the SAME **** HAPPENED IN THE OTHER GAME TOO!).

This community doesn't need all chat. There is no reason to communicate with the other team at all. Maybe if Riot added the, oh, I don't know, TIME OUT function that DoTA has to help with player disconnects, then I could see it being needed. But other than to flame, say "GOOD ****ING GAME" and taunt, there shouldn't be any logical reason to use all chat or to have it as a package deal for the game. If you wanna compliment an enemy player on their good plays, do that at the end of the game. And that's, honestly, what the end game load out screen is for.

All chat is the stupidest thing in the world to have for this game and Riot should feel ****ing ashamed of themselves for having included such a ******ed thing in a game with such a ****ty *** community. This is exactly why the Horde can't communicate with Alliance players on WoW. Learn from Blizzard, you lot of idiots!