Hey guys!
So i haven't blogged in a while so i guess here i am!

So last time i blogged about my ranked i was still a lowly bronze 2 player having climbed from bronze 4. That was back in October november-ish of last year.

Sadly like my original goal i did not achieve silver by season 3's end. But that whole i want to get Silver made me realise something. Yes i do play this game for fun... But i also want to improve at this game. Probably will never go pro or anything of the sort but hey i still wanna see just how much i can improve right?

And so pre-season start and i was at that bronze 2 level. I continued on with the playing ranked and constantly learning and improving. finally After efforts i finally managed that ever elusive silver sometime in december. In the end i finished pre-season in silver 4.

Reset came along and my ranked journey restarted after god awful placement matches that got me back in bronze 2. But i kept it positive and thought to myself. you know what? this is still a learning experience. i made to silver once i can make it again. And so Within 1 week i made back to where i belong in silver.

My silver journey then started. My win streak that i had in bronze has just been keeping on going. Winning 4-5 in a row to lose 1-3. Now standing at a reasonable silver to averaging between 50-90 lp lately always being matched with or against at least 3 gold and even a few times with a few plat players.

I found i have improved vastly mostly when it comes down to my main role of top lane. Improving from the bottom 70% or or less of te community to about a 30% is a huge improvement in my eyes.

My current goals are of course to reach that ever elusive gold and possibly beyond once i reach my goal.

As some of you may know i main top lane Singed and will always pick him given the chance as i know the match ups pretty much by heart by now. I get this role i would say about 90% of my games. If for some odd reason i am forced out of my top lane and into another lane then i prefer to go in either the mid lane as a cluster of champions depending on the situation. Then comes my Evelynn jungle. finally but not least my weakness of the bot lane.

I should try to post up a thread in the competitive scene part of the forum and try to keep it up to date so i can get feedback from you guys on how to continously improve.

Hope you guys have a great day! and Thanks for reading this lowly silver 2!
