This is my first editorial on MobaFire so lets make it good.

Let me start off saying that im not one to go towards melee AP champs but after being crushed so hard by Kayle mid I couldn't resist trying her out (and her aether wing kayle skin) so I tried it crushing my opponents finally thinking to my self that I have found the most OP and fun mid laner that I've tried out in a while my build mostly stays the same RageBlade, Nashorstooth, deathcap, and zhona's hourglass and mobi boots when roaming for quick ganks. As of this day I haven't played attack speed Kayle once (even tho it's looks so OP). As of Kayle as a mid lanner I find her to be very viable and easy to play. To be honest I feel like im cheating some times when i play kayle just cause how OP she is in the mid lane and can escape most ganks with out any struggle just a very laid back champ to play i find it best to max E first to get a good cool down so its easy to cs. The only thing about her I do not like at all is that she is very mana consuming and make sure you get mana pots instead of health pots. Put all of that aside and you have your self a good easy champ to play. Also i have found it hard to loose lane easily with her so this basically has won me the game. Well thats all I have to say.