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I have 1350 ip who should I buy?

Creator: TheAmazingComicBookGuy July 30, 2014 1:53am
TheAmazingComicBookGuy's Forum Avatar
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Mar 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2014 1:53am | Report
I recently hit level 7 and have saved up 1350 ip and I wanted to buy a new champion, I currently own Fiddlesticks, Garen, Master Yi, Shaco and Warwick. I am thinking of getting a good support/top laner or jungler. I am thinking of: Jax, Amumu, Nasus, Singed, Tryndamere or possibly Twisted Fate. I have no clue who a good support would be tho.

I have moba experience with Smite and Dota 2 so I think I might be able to pick up a more complex champ, but I really don't know. (I liked Slark, Kunkka and Anti-Mage in dota. I liked playing anyone in Smite).
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2014 1:55am | Report
Morgana is a great support for that price.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2014 2:10am | Report
Morgana is a great support for that price.

Agreed. Jax and Amumu are both good a good top laner and jungler respectively.

Other good jungler is Udyr. Highly adaptable and very tanky if he needs/wants to be.

Teemo is an okay top laner, and can also go mid pretty nicely too.

Also, since you're level 7 and you might be thinking about it, don't buy runes until at least level 20. None of the tier 1 runes are worth it at all.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

TheAmazingComicBookGuy's Forum Avatar
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Mar 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2014 2:57am | Report
Lugignaf wrote:

Agreed. Jax and Amumu are both good a good top laner and jungler respectively.

Other good jungler is Udyr. Highly adaptable and very tanky if he needs/wants to be.

Teemo is an okay top laner, and can also go mid pretty nicely too.

Also, since you're level 7 and you might be thinking about it, don't buy runes until at least level 20. None of the tier 1 runes are worth it at all.
Morgana is a great support for that price.

So pretty much Jax or Amumu for top/jungle and Morgana for support? I think I will buy Jax for now and see if I want any of the other guys when I get more ip.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2014 3:56am | Report
Jax is mostly a top laner, and Amumu almost completely a jungler. Jax overlaps into the jungler role a bit though. Sorry if I caused some confusion.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

cocfight's Forum Avatar
Jul 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 8, 2014 12:28pm | Report
If you want my honest opinions I think you should just play the free champions until you unlock the tier 3 runes. They are quite expensive and you will need a lot of them if you want to be competitive in ranked and level 30 games.
KatariFIRE's Forum Avatar
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Apr 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 9, 2014 3:19pm | Report
I play MOBA since dota 1 and I play HON and Dota 2 before playing LOL.

You simply cannot compare LOL with Dota because both role and play style are very different.

If you like Slark and Antimage that's mean you like a close combat champion with good escape and ability to deal a huge chunk of damage, in this case Shaco is your guy. (but youalready bought him right?)

Well, with 1350 IP Jax is a good bet, he has sustain and very good survival ability.
He can be both top and jungle.

If you play Teemo, he is a target for all haters and everybody will want to kill you.

Nasus is somehow a Hyper-carry that needs hell lot of farm, you will play passive and if you think farming is boring you may not like him much.

Singed is a very annoying champion, especially if he play as proxy Singed (same stradegy with "Axe" in DOTA that he will build himself tanky as hell and go behind enemy line kill all creeps before it can reach a towers)

You may like Tryndamere because he has dota-like carry style, auto attack a lot, attack fast and deal huge damage and nearly every single hit from him will crit due to his passive.
(very OP champ if he is in DOTA because DOTA doesn't have real burst heros)

Twisted Fate is mid-laner, I prefer play him as AP caster because many people say that AD Twisted Fate suck balls right now.

Amumu?, I didn't play him much and I honestly don't have any advise.
"There is the Hunter and the Hunted"
Argronar's Forum Avatar
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Apr 21st, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 15, 2014 7:41am | Report
Jax is a great champion, the only problem is that when you reach the point you're doing ranked games, Jax is almost a guaranteed ban so I wouldn't recommend getting used to playing him when you won't likely be able to. Currently sure you can enjoy him and he can carry a game from top lane pretty heavily, he also makes a pretty okay jungler, decent gank potential.

Amumu, is a nightmare to deal with when he goes jungle, I've seen him build tanky and full AP, tanky your laner is going to kill you because of all the CC, full AP and he's going to kill you because of all the damage. Completely nightmare for the enemy team, plus he's really easy to pick up. Keep in mind, you probably don't want to bother jungler until level 20 when you can get the good armor runes that way you can actually survive the camps, plus it's rare to find an actual jungler on the enemy team anyway so you're lane will be at a bit of a disadvantage.

Nasus becomes a bit time carry if you can farm his Q properly, he'll put out a tremendous amount of damage and he can 4 hit towers around 300 Q farm. His ultimate and just the way you build him overall he becomes a natural tank and assuming you farmed properly he puts out so much damage he can tank the turret while taking it out at the same time without losing too much health. He also has a passive lifesteal, which makes his laning a little easier.

Singed is okay, he can be pretty complicated to play. Above proxy farming was mentioned, it's difficult to pull off, but if you do it you completely zone your laner because they can't approach your tower, and your minions will go straight to their tower denying them a lot of their farm. If you don't proxy farm, you need to work with his kit, and your whole purpose is to screw with the enemy flip them behind you, while your poison is going, which passively damages them, overall he's not a really strong force from regular laning.

I don't really like Tryndamere because he's so easy to shut down. He pops his ult, then you CC him and he's pretty much worthless. Instantly shut down and taken out. He takes a lot of work to be really good with, and even then still easy to shut down. Your only actual damaging ability is also your only escape, and it does go very far anyway.

Twisted Fate is a lot of fun when you get used to him, proper usage of his ultimate can completely tilt the game to your favor. He's an AP caster, don't go AD it doesn't work. The problem you need to be in auto attack range to make use of his W and E abilities, Your W is your mana sustain, CC, and AoE, sounds great, but unfortunately you have to pick between them on each usage. The good news is that his Q has massive poke potential, it actually stretches past the displayed skillshot range by a decent bit so you have a bit of a buffer with that, It goes three directions so you can hit multiple targets that aren't necessarily in a straight line, but it's rather costly and the projectiles are pretty slow, so they can be rather easily dodged.

Since it appears you play Top more based on your champion pool, I would suggest Nasus, you can't really jungle yet so Amumu won't be very useful, Jax takes a bit to ramp up, and will be banned a lot in ranked, Twisted Fate can be difficult to use, and doesn't always perform as well as other mages, Tryndamere is overall just kind of lackluster, both in performance and enjoyability, Singed is also pretty lackluster unless you're proxy farming, and that only works well in solo lanes, so you're likely to not get to do it a whole lot at lower levels anyway. The person above mentioned Teemo, just an FYI I personally go far out of my way to kill teemo whenever possible regardless of my lane, I will leave bot lane, go top and kill teemo if need be, and as jungler you might as well place a tent and campfire in top lane because I'm going to be there for quite some time.

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