Greetings and Salutations everyone and welcome to my new blog

I would like to start off with a story,

Recently I played a ranked game and from the moment it started in the ban selection I wish I had hit close and left because I could tell that I was in a team that was destined to lose.

Firstly the "Team Captain" or first pick and the second pick got into a massive argument because first pick went with Tryndamere with Smite on so Second pick went with Cho'Gath assuming 1st was to be a Junglar - Turns out this was not the case and Tryndamere wanted Top too

Now I will give Cho,Gath credit he didn't complain to begin with, he changed to a Jungler and you would have assumed that would be the end of it right? WRONG - Tryndamere just continues to flame and flame him throughout the champion select calling him a "Noob" for picking Cho'Gath and was genuinely making it clear we as a team had lost the match before we had finished selecting.

I did my best to ease the situation however what I said fell on deaf ears and it was a great moment when the game started because for the next 2 minutes everyone had a chance to cool down and focus on the game and work as a team...WRONG AGAIN - as soon as the game started Tryndamere and Cho'Gath go right back at it again flaming each other and making the game really uncomfortable.

Now once again I tried to be peacemaker and be a team player so I did what you should do and went to Aid Cho'Gath in his first jungle camp (which was the blue one) and suddenly I start to realise that no one else was bothering to help and in fact our ADC, Ashe was just spamming ping about something and even when I asked for them to come aid us, Ashe just stood there until I had finished helping Cho'Gath.

Now the game was pretty much a disaster, the top lane and jungle continuously flaming and mid lane continuously being ganked by the enemy jungler was making it clear that this was a losing battle to say the least but I kept my cool because to me as a Support my goal was to make sure Ashe was safe and for a while she was...until she too started to flame :/

Firstly Ashe ignored everything I said to her, If she was low on health and I asked her to go back, she ran in and got herself killed and then she would spam ping and started flaming everywhere which got Tryndamere flaming more and he started calling everyone noobs and demanding the other team to report everyone... This was seriously driving my patience but again I was the cool and collected one who tried to bring the team together and to just work together until the end of the match.

I honestly didn't care if they all hated each other, if they wanted to report each other or anything - My one and only goal was to just get the team to refocus and stop flaming long enough to see that there was still a chance to win this game...But then the mid laner, Malzahar just finished it all by giving up mid way through and refused to even try which meant we had two flamers, one who was ignoring and one who had just given up on one team with one solitary player trying his hardest to get the team to work - Me.

By the end of the match any attempts to rally the team was met with abuse and the typical "F**k you" as they just point blank refused to work together which really made me angry - so much so that I took the time to report all 4 members of my team for such unprofessional behavior throughout the game and I will say now I hope they are banned from Ranked until they learn to play properly.

But when that was done I began to wonder why people flame their own team mates so much? I mean surely they are not stupid enough to think if they call their own team mates Noobs that riot will see it and think "This poor kid is in a team with newbies...lets not deduct them LP this game" because that has never worked in the past and will never work in the future either.

Now I know I am Bronze V but I am wise enough to know that if you flame your own team mates you are just begging to lose the game and you do not get awarded for being a flamer in fact you are more likely banned from playing League of Legends for being such a pain in the *** all the time and personally I think their should be a three strike rule especially in Ranked where if you found guilty of flaming and harassment three times you are permanently banned from any more Ranked game for that season at least and if you decide to do it in ARAM or Normal Draft then you could end up being permanently banned from League of Legends all together.

At the end of the day, I think flaming and harassment of your own team mates is one of the most immature things anyone can actually do and even though I know I am not a great player I am serious about playing League and serious about getting better at it but as long as there are these types of playing who are not only unskilled but they actually want to bring the rest of the rest of the team down then there's not much of a chance to progress for players such as myself.

And I am even willing to go this far, If you are reading this blog and you are one of these flamers I speak of - You are an absolute idiot pure and simple but you have a chance to change that by becoming a serious player.

Instead of flaming someone who is being destroyed - think to yourself could you be going to help them? are they at a disadvantage against their opponent? Is the enemy jungler ganking all the time?

Also if you actually have time to flame constantly, why are you not using your energy to give them advice instead? Could you suggest an item that may help them? perhaps you know of a combo to their champion? Stuff like this is far more helpful in a game like this than sitting like a ****** typing "You suck mid lane" "Bot Lane are noobs" "Jungler No Zero" "Top Lane WTF loser".

Anyways I am rambling but seriously, Stop Flaming if you do it because you are ruining League of Legends for everyone who wants to play properly especially if they are playing in a ranked game and if you read this and you still think its cool to be a flamer and to ruin it for everyone because you are unskilled as a summoner then please do this for me right now

- Go to Control Panel
- Select "Uninstall Programs"
- Scroll down until you see "League of Legends"
- Right click it
- Select "Uninstall"
- Go play something else

This is me - Signing off...