NicknameMy wrote:
What is actually the counter play against Syndra's ult?
Wind Wall, Zhonya's Hourglass, Banshee's Veil, magic resistance, for example :p
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Ninja Trigger wrote:
Sona on Aram, it's just too easy not to mess it up.
NicknameMy wrote:
Well, I feel bad for using demacians, cuz:
People underestimate Garen, and Lux is real fun to use. Pretty sure Xin is super good in the new jungle, J4 has always been godlike, and Galio is just a fun mid laner to play.
Sona. It may not be a free lane, but it's a free game if we can make it last enough and my ADC didn't feed. People keep saying she's horrible, and every time it's mentioned in-game, I prove them wrong :P
Master Yi, and I only recently picked up the guy, too. Just... I don't what it is, but he's impossible to deny kills from.
Master Yi, and I only recently picked up the guy, too. Just... I don't what it is, but he's impossible to deny kills from.
If you want to help me, teach me.
FantasySniper wrote:
Sona. It may not be a free lane, but it's a free game if we can make it last enough and my ADC didn't feed. People keep saying she's horrible, and every time it's mentioned in-game, I prove them wrong :P
Master Yi, and I only recently picked up the guy, too. Just... I don't what it is, but he's impossible to deny kills from.
Master Yi, and I only recently picked up the guy, too. Just... I don't what it is, but he's impossible to deny kills from.
Sona's too weird for me. Her thing is pretty much just to poke, but my pokes never do damage and her heal is surprisingly not good (not to mention her intense squishiness). But every Sona I face makes me want to use my cry move.
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