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Aatrox Ability (LoL): Blood Well

Blood Well Aatrox

Aatrox Ability: Blood Well
Aatrox fills his Blood Well through his abilities. When he reaches 100%, Blood Well begins to drain over 4 seconds, giving him Hellbent for the duration.

Hellbent: Aatrox gains 25% increased base AD and 30 / 40 / 50 / 60% bonus attack speed (at levels 1 / 6 / 11 / 16). Hellbent refreshes when fighting monsters. Upon taking fatal damage Aatrox will revive over 3 seconds, recovering 30% of maximum health over the duration. Upon reviving, Aatrox instantly recovers 100% of Blood Well. Aatrox's revive is then put on a cooldown.

Aatrox's Abilities

Aatrox Ability: Blood Well Aatrox Ability: Blood Well Aatrox Ability: Blood Well Aatrox Ability: Blood Well
Blood Well is used by Aatrox

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IShouldGetALife (36) | June 12, 2013 8:23pm
yeah but at 18 you only get 1015.875 health so if you die unless in those 3 seconds you get an ace or the enemy team is really low you will get taken out again so that part isnt the most op ever but 50% attack sped is good, together I think it might be overkill.
Volteer | June 9, 2013 10:04am
Let me get this straight: After using like 2-3 skills he gets +50% free att speed which is maintained as long as Aat is attacking minions plus acts as a free GA without resistances? Adding to this constant skill spam due to no mana with adequate HP regen?

League of passives :o
4rtifici4l (1) | June 6, 2013 7:35pm
first commenting on the most OP passive in the game.
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