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Gragas Ability (LoL): Body Slam

Body Slam Gragas

Gragas Ability: Body Slam
Range: 600
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12
Cost: 50
Gragas charges forward, colliding with the first enemy, knocking up nearby enemies for 1 second and dealing 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to them. This ability's cooldown is reduced by 40% if Gragas collides with an enemy.

Gragas's Abilities

Gragas Ability: Body Slam Gragas Ability: Body Slam Gragas Ability: Body Slam Gragas Ability: Body Slam
Body Slam is used by Gragas

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8bitmadness | October 23, 2012 10:58pm
Mastarwe wrote:

Can be used as a flash, since it allows you to move through small walls. Just be certain to try it before you do it in teamfights XD

My gosh. I never knew that. +Rep for you!
Mastarwe (41) | December 27, 2010 2:50pm
Can be used as a flash, since it allows you to move through small walls. Just be certain to try it before you do it in teamfights XD
ExamplePrime (33) | November 3, 2010 9:48am
This move is soooooo great for chasing, does a lot of damage to
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