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Gragas Ability (LoL): Happy Hour

Happy Hour Gragas

Gragas Ability: Happy Hour
Cooldown: 12 / 10 / 8 / 6
Gragas takes a drink from his cask every time he uses an ability, instantly restoring 5.5% of his maximum health.

Gragas's Abilities

Gragas Ability: Happy Hour Gragas Ability: Happy Hour Gragas Ability: Happy Hour Gragas Ability: Happy Hour
Happy Hour is used by Gragas

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Yellow01 | November 29, 2013 8:39pm
Gragas , Passive.

Gives a Health regeneration of 2% for 4 Seconds and also gives a litlle mana generation buff.. its like a hidden passive ^^
TremorMK (5) | July 29, 2012 4:57am
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