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Galio Ability (LoL): Bulwark

Bulwark Galio

Galio Ability: Bulwark
Range: 800
Cooldown: 13
Cost: 60
Galio shields a friendly champion for 4 seconds, increasing their Armor and Magic Resistance by 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90. Each time the unit suffers damage, Galio is healed for 25 / 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 (+30% of ability power) (-20% healing for each consecutive hit).

Galio's Abilities

Galio Ability: Bulwark Galio Ability: Bulwark Galio Ability: Bulwark Galio Ability: Bulwark
Bulwark is used by Galio

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TwitcherBrain (37) | November 4, 2012 11:13am
Before ultimate, Galio musts place it on himself. That will make damage bigger, because Magic resist -> Ability Power. Also, Galio lowers enemy AA damage. And Galio is healing himself, when getting damaged by his taunt.
Posigen (7) | November 1, 2011 1:31am
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