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Sion Ability (LoL): Cannibalism

Cannibalism Sion

Sion Ability: Cannibalism
Range: 200
Cooldown: 90
Cost: 100
Grants Sion 50 / 75 / 100 % lifesteal and 50% attack speed for 20 seconds. Additionally, Sion's attacks heal surrounding allies for 25 / 37.5 / 50 % of damage dealt.

Sion's Abilities

Sion Ability: Cannibalism Sion Ability: Cannibalism Sion Ability: Cannibalism Sion Ability: Cannibalism
Cannibalism is used by Sion

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urnevible | June 25, 2013 4:13am
Its definitly best ult in the game,but I simply cant find decent build for Sion!
Guennter | October 20, 2011 4:04am
it is one of the best ultis in game !
SixSonatas (32) | November 22, 2010 10:38am
Yes, it only affects his auto-attacks.
Fubull | November 22, 2010 10:34am
Soooo.. only autoattack? or what
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