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Zac Ability (LoL): Cell Division

Cell Division Zac

Zac Ability: Cell Division
Each time Zac hits an enemy with an ability, he sheds a chunk of himself that can be reabsorbed to restore 4-8% of his maximum health.

Upon taking fatal damage, Zac splits into 4 chunks that attempt to recombine. If any of these chunks remain after 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 seconds, he will revive with 10-50% health depending on the health of the surviving chunks. Each chunk has 12% of Zac's maximum health, and 50% of his armor and magic resistance. This ability has a static cooldown and is unaffected by cooldown reduction.

The revival speed is increased every 4 levels.

Zac's Abilities

Zac Ability: Cell Division Zac Ability: Cell Division Zac Ability: Cell Division Zac Ability: Cell Division
Cell Division is used by Zac

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WhiteTigeR (8) | August 19, 2013 7:54am
4*1.2=4.8% hp per chunk absorbed.

Also for it's other effect: 12-60% hp depending on the health of surviving chunks.
warwickien | July 18, 2013 3:43am
So if you get spirite visage what percentige of hp will you recover?
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