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Shyvana Ability (LoL): Dragon's Descent

Dragon's Descent Shyvana

Shyvana Ability: Dragon's Descent
Range: 850
Passive: Shyvana's basic attacks generate 2 fury, even in dragon form or against structures. While in human form, Shyvana will also passively generate 1 / 1.5 / 2 fury each second.

Active: Shyvana transforms into a dragon and dashes to a target location. Enemies along her path take 150 / 250 / 350 (+100% of ability power) magic damage and are pushed toward her target location. Shyvana must have a full fury bar to use this spell.

While in dragon form, Shyvana gains 150 / 250 / 350 bonus health and her attack range is changed to 175 / 190 / 205. Dragon form also increases in size by 8 / 16% at ranks 2 / 3.

While in Dragon Form, Shyvana will lose 5 fury every second. Once her Fury bar is empty, she will return to her normal state.

Shyvana's Abilities

Shyvana Ability: Dragon's Descent Shyvana Ability: Dragon's Descent Shyvana Ability: Dragon's Descent Shyvana Ability: Dragon's Descent
Dragon's Descent is used by Shyvana

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isonade | March 17, 2013 7:45am
this is usual teamfights when i use shyvana: someone initiate. i use this. my team run away. i die. lol
Ooiboy (7) | February 20, 2012 4:09pm
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