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Shyvana Ability (LoL): Fury of the Dragonborn

Fury of the Dragonborn Shyvana

Shyvana Ability: Fury of the Dragonborn
Shyvana deals 20% more damage to Dragon type jungle monsters. She gains 5 armor and magic resistance, increased by an additional 5 for each Dragon defeated by her or her allies.

Shyvana's Abilities

Shyvana Ability: Fury of the Dragonborn Shyvana Ability: Fury of the Dragonborn Shyvana Ability: Fury of the Dragonborn Shyvana Ability: Fury of the Dragonborn
Fury of the Dragonborn is used by Shyvana

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KillerNeko (13) | December 3, 2013 9:33pm
Dat name....

In their tongue, he is Dovahkiin, Dragonborn !!!

LeeSinDra (1) | July 28, 2013 4:09pm
Needs to explain more, like what lvl will she get 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 armor and magic resist
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