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Lissandra Ability (LoL): Glacial Path

Glacial Path Lissandra

Lissandra Ability: Glacial Path
Range: 1025
Cooldown: 24 / 21 / 18 / 15 / 12
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Lissandra casts forth an ice claw that deals 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+60% of ability power) magic damage. Lissandra can Recast while the claw travels to teleport to its location.

Lissandra's Abilities

Lissandra Ability: Glacial Path Lissandra Ability: Glacial Path Lissandra Ability: Glacial Path Lissandra Ability: Glacial Path
Glacial Path is used by Lissandra

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Satella (177) | April 30, 2013 2:34pm
The claw moves at 700 speed. You have 1.5 seconds to teleport. Casting other abilities, with the exception of a self-cast Frozen Tomb, do not interfere with the ability to teleport.

Turret aggro is not lost with Glacial Path unless you blink out of range, unlike Flash.

You can move in the opposite direction from the claw and still be able to teleport. There is no "leash range" that prevents teleporting as far as I can tell.

Most importantly, you can cast this while snared by stuff like Dark Binding. You won't be able to teleport until the snare wears off, but this is absolutely HUGE both when escaping ganks and when chasing somebody like Lux who can turn around and Q you.
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