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Galio Ability (LoL): Hero's Entrance

Hero's Entrance Galio

Galio Ability: Hero's Entrance
Range: 4000 / 4750 / 5500
Cooldown: 180 / 160 / 140
Cost: 100
Galio designates an allied champion's position as his landing spot, granting all allied champions in the area Shield of Durand's passive shield for 5 seconds. Galio then flies to his landing zone. When Galio lands, he knocks up for 0.75 seconds and deals 150 / 250 / 350 (+70% of ability power) magic damage.

Galio's Abilities

Galio Ability: Hero's Entrance Galio Ability: Hero's Entrance Galio Ability: Hero's Entrance Galio Ability: Hero's Entrance
Hero's Entrance is used by Galio

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