Galio Ability (LoL): Idol of Durand
Idol of Durand Galio

Range: 600
Cooldown: 150
/ 135
/ 120
Cost: 100
After channeling, Galio deals 200 / 300 / 400 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to surrounding enemies, plus an additional 10% damage for each attack suffered while channeling. Maximum 80% bonus damage.
This ability can be cancelled early and will deal full damage. Additionally, its taunt duration is not reducible by tenacity.
"plus an additional 5% damage for each attack suffered while channeling. Maximum +40% bonus damage. "
-is this 5% of the damage dealt to galio or 5% more damage of the galio ult for each hit on him?
The damage of his ulti is increased for every time he is hit, up to a cap.
can he die while ulti?
Sure. If he suffers too much damage.
Funfact: if an Udyr in Bear Stance attacks him, his Ult is cancelled :D
Love this ultimate, when I play Galio it destroys! Matches Galio tank role perfectly.
"plus an additional 5% damage for each attack suffered while channeling. Maximum +40% bonus damage. "
-is this 5% of the damage dealt to galio or 5% more damage of the galio ult for each hit on him?