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Yasuo Ability (LoL): Last Breath

Last Breath Yasuo

Yasuo Ability: Last Breath
Range: 1400
Cooldown: 70 / 50 / 30
Yasuo teleports to an airborne enemy champion, dealing 200 / 350 / 500 (+1.5 of attack damage) physical damage and holding all nearby airborne enemies up for an additional 1 second. Yasuo also gains maximum Flow, but loses all Steel Tempest stacks. Afterwards, Yasuo's critical strikes ignore 60% armor for 15 seconds.

Yasuo's Abilities

Yasuo Ability: Last Breath Yasuo Ability: Last Breath Yasuo Ability: Last Breath Yasuo Ability: Last Breath
Last Breath is used by Yasuo

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retrix36 | February 19, 2021 11:36am

casso billly
I3GMarine | January 8, 2017 10:41pm
dank meme
utopus (313) | March 26, 2014 7:18pm
And morgana just laughts, and Black Shields the picked target
AfroNinja6810 (1) | February 15, 2014 3:52am
Vi picks who she wants to die, Yasuo kills them.
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