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Yasuo Ability (LoL): Steel Tempest

Steel Tempest Yasuo

Yasuo Ability: Steel Tempest
Range: 450
Cooldown: 4 / 1.33
Yasuo thrusts, dealing 20 / 45 / 70 / 95 / 120 (+1.05 per attack damage) physical damage. If he hits, he gains a stack for 6 seconds. While he has 2 stacks, his next use of this ability fires a whirlwind from range, dealing the same damage and knocking up for 0.75 second. If used while dashing, this ability strikes in a circle rather than a stab.

Yasuo's Abilities

Yasuo Ability: Steel Tempest Yasuo Ability: Steel Tempest Yasuo Ability: Steel Tempest Yasuo Ability: Steel Tempest
Steel Tempest is used by Yasuo

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Graypozo (10) | December 17, 2013 10:27am
This is Yasuos Bread and Butter skill. It has a extremly low cd with attack speed, it crits, it applies on-hit effects, it scales great and offers a airbone. I think it will get nerfed :P
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