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Jax Ability (LoL): Grandmaster-At-Arms

Grandmaster-At-Arms Jax

Jax Ability: Grandmaster-At-Arms
Cooldown: 110 / 100 / 90
Cost: 100
Passive: Every third attack deals an additional 75 / 130 / 185 (+60% of ability power) magic damage.

Active: Jax swings his lantern around him, dealing 100 / 175 / 250 (+100% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies. If he hits a champion he gains 25 / 50 / 75 (+0.4 per bonus attack damage) armor plus 20 / 25 / 30% (+0.1 per bonus attack damage) per champion hit, as well as 60% of that value as magic resist for the next 8 seconds. During this time the passive damage applies every 2nd attack instead of every 3rd.

Jax's Abilities

Jax Ability: Grandmaster-At-Arms Jax Ability: Grandmaster-At-Arms Jax Ability: Grandmaster-At-Arms Jax Ability: Grandmaster-At-Arms
Grandmaster-At-Arms is used by Jax

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LeagueLord519 (2) | February 3, 2013 6:51am

Needs an update:

Every 3rd consecutive hit
Magic Damage: 100 / 160 / 220 (+0.7 per ability power)

Cost: 75 Mana
Duration: 6 seconds
Cooldown: 100 / 90 / 80 seconds

Attack Damage Bonus: 25 / 45 / 65 (+0.2 per bonus attack damage)
Ability Power Bonus: 25 / 45 / 65 (+0.2 per ability power)

If you remember back in the old days when Jax was Just remade, Grandmaster-At-Arms Was this. You know, gains AP which scaled with AP, and AD which scaled with AD. But then they found him being too squishy unless you build him tanky and being squishy is NOT something a "Fighter" needs to be so they changed it to Armor off AD, and Magic Resist off AP. Simple as that. (But I would love to have this passive again :D)
Wayne3100 (492) | January 19, 2012 12:41am
Yes, unfortunately I can't do that myself but I've adressed the issue to Matt, he should change that soon, thanks :)
KarmicKitten (3) | January 18, 2012 9:05pm
Thanks for the fast fix ... BTW ... the name needs updating as well since this is now called "Grandmaster's Might"
Wayne3100 (492) | January 18, 2012 6:38pm
^ Fixed
KarmicKitten (3) | January 18, 2012 6:15pm
Needs an update:

Every 3rd consecutive hit
Magic Damage: 100 / 160 / 220 (+0.7 per ability power)

Cost: 75 Mana
Duration: 6 seconds
Cooldown: 100 / 90 / 80 seconds

Attack Damage Bonus: 25 / 45 / 65 (+0.2 per bonus attack damage)
Ability Power Bonus: 25 / 45 / 65 (+0.2 per ability power)
TremorMK (5) | October 26, 2011 10:16am
Realy sick skill
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