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Anivia Ability (LoL): Rebirth

Rebirth Anivia

Anivia Ability: Rebirth
Cooldown: 240
Upon taking fatal damage, Anivia reverts to an egg, healing to full health and receiving -40 / -20 / -10 / 5 / 20 armor and magic resist. If she survives for 6 seconds, she is reborn.

Anivia's Abilities

Anivia Ability: Rebirth Anivia Ability: Rebirth Anivia Ability: Rebirth Anivia Ability: Rebirth
Rebirth is used by Anivia

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Afections | October 28, 2019 9:53am
Used the wall to interrupt the teleport of your teammates. It is important that you level up the wall
IcyAuron (23) | December 3, 2014 11:49am
This is why you get HP on Anivia. Seriously, people, she isn't a glass cannon.
TammDafuq (3) | February 16, 2013 7:15am

this egg was good when it was less than 6 seconds and not begin with -40,riot came hard on her in the update

the stupid thing on this egg is just, that you can be killde easy :D
pepetothewolf (2) | May 15, 2012 8:10pm
this egg was good when it was less than 6 seconds and not begin with -40,riot came hard on her in the update
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